Park / Fusion Survivor 2 - Innovation Tribe

Park_1621 Fusion Survivor 2 - Innovation Tribe


This park shares comments with 1 other park(View Park)
  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • Levis%s's Photo
    nice work guys :) .

    some really nice work was put in these maps.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I never knew this existed! 8)

    Who did what? My guess...
    Top row: Coasterforce - ekimmel - hobbes
    Middle row: fnopp - Metropole - Levis
    Bottom row: Lucas92 - J K - RCTFAN

    In this case: RCTFAN's area was my favourite, shame the coaster wasn't working. Good area. Metropole's area was pretty good too. The rest was somewhere between okay and 'meh'. Levis' area was funny. I thought it didn't get more vulgar than Playboy Park, but I was wrong. I miss this old Levis! :D By the way, his sculptures are probably the least attractive girls I ever saw.
  • posix%s's Photo
    Sometimes I wonder if RCTFAN ever did anything else but black inverters. I really like them though. Pity he doesn't play anymore.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Black Mamba looks like Metropole to me...
  • J K%s's Photo
    Yeah it was by Metropole. RCTFAN's is next to mine (the one in the right hand corner). Metropole won the competition.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    In order of who was removed from voting:

    Ultimate Map

    Weeper on the Shore - fnopp

    Roman Invasions - lucas92

    Wolff - J K

    Strip Poker - Levis

    Sea Lion - hobbes

    Black Panther - ekimmel

    Indiana Jones & the Hissing Serpent - Coasterforce

    Schneetier - Gsus (RCTFan)

    Black Mamba - Metropole

    Innovation Map

    Suburban Rush Hour - Titan

    Hard Rain - ziplock

    Megalomania - GRIDE

    Via Infernis - Michael

    Azura: God of the Birds - RC_Freak

    EARTHQUAKE! - yeshli2nuts

    Halo 2: The Great Journey - Jazz

    Kreola - Breakaway

    Yoruba - JKay
  • CoasterForce%s's Photo
    Reallllllyyyyy late response, but I just noticed this. Wow! There's some great stuff in here. Thanks for the upload.