RCT Discussion / Multiplayer poll

What bench?

Quality control?


What to do with the movie park

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    See poll

  • trav%s's Photo

    Mirage Islands V2 with unique countries and a blacklist of countries that we cannot use. 

    To choose the countries, we could either just go with the flow, or we could place like 50 countries in a random picker, and the first 6 or 7 that come out, that's what we build.


    As for who can build, anyone with either a release or screen over 60% can build, but the more 'well known' builders take a more leading role and people should not be afraid of their work being altered to more fit in with an area or theme. 


    Coasters should be built by a very specific set of people, I'm sick of going into a multiplayer server and seeing coaster spam with shitty coasters everywhere, by people who are very obviously never going to finish theming them, or even attempt to.

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    My thoughts don't fit too cleanly into the poll. I would like to approach this similar to a software development project. I believe we will have a lot better end results if one person takes ownership of the park and acts as a park manager, performing duties such as planning, deciding on themes, finishing touches, and curating areas. That person decides what's going on the map, the bench we use, and the quality and style of content they expect. They'd then ask others to fill in roles, which could be completing areas, designing layouts, placing foliages, shaping paths, or whatnot. The park manager would have to be somewhat flexible, taking input on his original plans in order to be more inviting to other builders, and to have the design iterate and improve over time. They'd also have final say over what's actually built. If a layout ends up too close to the map edge, they can decide it needs to be moved, or if an area is poorly done, they can dictate that it be improved upon. 

    Perhaps this exact system of rules and roles isn't perfect, but I would suggest that a single leader be appointed for each map, in order to guide it to completion, rather than chaos

  • dr dirt%s's Photo
    I'm not sure where the current park should go as far as direction.. I voted for IOA type but maybe like a mix of studio and that. Right now the themes have 0% flow which was sort of the idea, but we're going to end up with horrible transitions. I think we need someone to lay out the themes / pick them and then assign people to that area. Also, the layouts should be left to assigned people. First come first serve layouts can get pretty rough. For example Dracula isn't bad, but needed to be finalized before carrying on as there's just no interaction. I'd have someone assign just the layout for an area, that person block in the landscaping/interaction, then additional people can jump in to theme around it.

    Another issue is there's no set semi-realism/realism/fantasy decision. I built fairly realistically but not too far away is a huge Hacksaw Ridge cliff. Hard to feel alright about that transition.

    Also the bench isn't horrible, just missing some items to complete sets - i.e., no corner crown molding, and no support blocker. However, I prefer a modern bench.

    Basically, I would choose someone to draw up a plan, pick qualified players to start each area and be in charge there, then have everyone else fill it in. Newer players typically just don't include more complex interactions/landcaping which dooms an area from the start.
  • YoloSweggLord%s's Photo

    I love this idea of planning by more experienced members, I think it's a great way to incorporate the work of newer players.


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