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That Guy
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  • Thanks guys! Most fun I've had in a long time building on a project. Definitely learning as I go on how to convey this idea effectively so I appreciate the suggestions.

  • I've tried so many times to do SDC's style, this is so good, you nailed it IMO.

  • Definitely second G Force on the overbearing feel, but I think it might be due a lot to the nature of where you took the photo. The bottom half of the screen is everything I love about your work, absolutely chalk full of colorful, fun theme park vibes. Top half doesn't carry across in this screen but with context I'm sure it fits, your parks always execute the chaos well.


    Always love seeing your screens. eyeamthu1 is my favorite builder and your work always seems to hit those same feelings which few people at NE can.

  • This is so charming. The white building and its turrets (?) are so cleanly executed. Can't wait to see how you fill out the top of the screen. The bay wall bugs me a bit, since its so short I feel like just all pink brick would look good, but that's a minor thing and probably more of a personal pet peeve.

  • Man I love what you chose for those planters in the middle of the path. I personally think you could double down on those and continue the pattern down that open grey path, 1 row at least and maybe 2 if you rework the flow a bit. Would change the feel of that plaza to be even more ornate, which its already got going for it.


    That being said the best part of this is the wide open feel, as others have pointed out, but I still think it'd fit nicely. Great screen, Sven


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