Park / Tornadus

Park_1984 Tornadus


  • Comment System%s's Photo
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Great layout, good park layout, clever use of landscape, nice foliage, strong atmosphere around the pond, you're good! To get a higher score, focus on architecture and maybe try some theming to make it more unique and interesting.

  • Luigi%s's Photo
    I enjoyed the lay-out. It had a nice flow and pacing. I did not really like the queue building and the station was also weak. The foliage and landscaping were very nice. This just needed something to keep the attention. I was finished looking within 5 minutes because there wasn't much to look at.

    Keep up the good work.
  • posix%s's Photo
    Ferocious layout. I enjoyed it a lot. Same for all the other things you did. Liampie sums it up well. I think you have talent and I'm hoping to see more!
  • That Guy%s's Photo
    Yeah, fantastic job with the layout, this was a lot of fun to watch. I hope to see some more projects from you.
  • nin%s's Photo
    This is much better than your previous attempts. Keep going, you're getting really good at this.
  • musicman%s's Photo
    ^What previous attempts?

    Looks pretty good, but there isn't any angle where a viewer can read the eruption sign.
  • nin%s's Photo
    he's had two other releases?
  • Rhynos%s's Photo
    Was this based on Pokemon #641, that "Tornadus"?
  • musicman%s's Photo
    Bite your tongue Rhynos; everyone knows that there are only 151 Pokemon. :p
  • Sephiroth%s's Photo

    Was this based on Pokemon #641, that "Tornadus"?

    Wow, you even know the number! Even though I can't catch him in my version I simply liked the name because to me, as someone who lives in the northern part of tornado alley, the name symbolizes the destruction a tornado can bring. Plus I thought it sounded cool. :p The goal of the layout was to emulate the power of a tornado.

    To everyone else, thank you for taking the time to view, judge, and give thoughtful and helpful criticism on this. I really do appreciate all of it.

    Unfortunately I have been in a building slump since just before finishing this, but I do have some things in mind to look out for.
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    That layout looks beastly from the overview, the rest was kind of, meh.
    Here's hoping you get Frontpage soon. :mantis: