Screenshot / Wasteland - Train Yard


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • That Guy%s's Photo

    Westport died as it lived, a mere waypoint that exists solely to exist, to be looked at and not looked at, to remind and to be forgotten.

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    This may be the first thing that I like more because it's so close to the map edge.

  • Austin55%s's Photo
    The most interesting thing on NE currently.
  • Lotte%s's Photo

    i agree with the above, actually it's pretty sad that this doesn't have any coasters. this idea could've been perfect for a H2H park IMO, though i'm not the most qualified person to say that as i wasn't around back then

  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo

    This remains to be one of the best projects i've seen in a long time. Man, these screens are so epically atmospheric. We should collab man, fantasy brothers unite!

  • Sephiroth%s's Photo

    Fuckyesfuckyesfuckyes *orgasm*

  • Stoksy%s's Photo

    So good; oozes atmosphere. Unfortunately can't help with the roof object that you're looking for.


    The overgrown foliage on the structure is such a beautiful touch.

  • Wicksteed%s's Photo
    Lovely as usual. The foliage is gorgeous. The object you are looking for should be in the complete awnings pack by fisherman.
  • thirteen%s's Photo

    this is so good. i want to play halflife in that.

  • nin%s's Photo
    ...and they say brown isn't a theme. Lawl.
  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo

    who said that? Look at all my work from before H2H6!

  • That Guy%s's Photo

    Love you guys. This new overgrown foliage was a bit of an experiment, but it seems both the community and I are satisfied with it, and it's going to take a neat role in Wasteland I think... I can't reveal exactly what but I think it will be pretty exciting. There's a lot to this park that I can't show in screens or mention because it would spoil the first viewing experience, so don't think looking at ruined areas is the end of it if you're worried about it being a bit samey.


    I build slow, but the entire park is planned out, so it's just a matter of assembling it.

  • Milo%s's Photo

    That tunnel goes to Westport.... we don't go there any more.

  • Ling%s's Photo

    You mean Ravenholm? :p

  • ida%s's Photo

    pretty sad that this doesn't have any coasters.


    You (That Guy) should add an old rusty coaster somewhere and make it run in a loop or something similar. And remove a piece of track and have the train make a jump. Would really fit and be cool.

  • Lotte%s's Photo

    that's would actually be really cool, just have one abandonned mine that operates as a coaster with the regular old minetrain. i'm not sure if you can give it the same feeling though, that would be the main problem with it i think

  • That Guy%s's Photo

    Milo's got it.


    Sorry but there's no chance of a ride coming into this. It would just completely change the tone and purpose of the project that I've been building up, I'll save a Wasteland themed park for another day.

  • Lotte%s's Photo

    that's understandable, maybe you can use it for H2H7

  • pierrot%s's Photo


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