Ask the Experts / Need some help

  • pashearer23%s's Photo
    I am working on a park, and I need some help. How would I add a different roller coaster train to the coaster pictured below? I am also having problems with removing the ride huts, I have followed the tutorials steps, but nothing is working.

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  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    For adding different trains, follow Cena's Amazing Dummy Station Tutorial here. And for removing ride huts, assuming you're using geewhzz's tutorial, make sure you have a working 8cars. I downloaded the 'better' version of 1.32 from Kumba's Hacking Tips (Tip 5)
  • tyandor%s's Photo
    You might need to tell us what steps are not working with the invisible thing. Make sure however that if you run Vista or W7 that you turn off all visual themes of and have full admin rights.
  • pashearer23%s's Photo
    I am on windows 7, so I bet it has to do with that!
  • pashearer23%s's Photo
    Ok, I have changed the roller coaster cars, it was fairly easy, but I am still having trouble with the ride huts!
  • pashearer23%s's Photo
    Ok, I have finally figured out how to make the huts invisible! Now i'm trying to figure out how to make the river rapids ride invisible, [not just hidden under the water] and also how to put the flying turns track under a log ride.
  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    To make the river rapids invisible switch the track type to crooked house (this might not work, i'm not entirely sure)*. And to put a flying turns/bobsleigh track under a log flume:
    1) Build flying turns track as you want the layout of the log flume.
    2) Colour land tiles underneath the track an unused type.
    3) Go into Map Object Manipulation in 8cars and select 'Raise/Lower', 'Height Offset +/-1', 'Land', 'Land type you used' and click OK.
    4) Zero All Clearances, build the log flume track and Restore Clearances.

    *This might cause the boats to sink under the water, so you must change the track back to river rapids, raise the track and change back to crooked house.
  • pashearer23%s's Photo
    Log flume worked! Thank you so so so so so much!!!!!
  • pashearer23%s's Photo
    How do you place trash bins, lamps and lights on invisible path?
  • djbrcace1234%s's Photo
    on the view tab, click the "show Path Hieght" option and then place those items on the path. That should do the trick.
  • pashearer23%s's Photo
    It sure did! Thanks man!


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