Idora Park / Moderator Log

39 Logs


Detached tag kiddie coaster from the park

Detached tag ptc from the park

Detached tag midwest from the park

Detached tag amusement park from the park

Detached tag missing date from the park

Detached tag recreation from the park

Detached tag realism from the park

Detached tag set in usa from the park

Detached tag wooden coaster from the park

Detached tag schmeck from the park

Attached tag ptc to the park

Attached tag schmeck to the park

Attached tag kiddie coaster to the park

Attached tag set in usa to the park

Attached tag missing date to the park

Attached tag recreation to the park

Attached tag realism to the park

Attached tag midwest to the park

Attached tag wooden coaster to the park

Attached tag amusement park to the park

Detached tag missing date from the park

Detached tag missing aerial from the park

Detached tag midwest from the park

Detached tag recreation from the park

Detached tag wooden coaster from the park

Attached tag wooden coaster to the park

Attached tag midwest to the park

Attached tag missing aerial to the park

Attached tag recreation to the park

Attached tag missing date to the park

Attached tag rct2 to the park

Finished making maps for the park

Added maps to the park

Subscribed to make the maps for the park

Attached 400 objects to the park

Approved the park

Uploaded the park file

Subscribed to approve the park

Added park Idora Park to the system