(Archive) Advertising District / Merriment Park

  • Testudo%s's Photo
    Hi guys. Long time RCT fan checking in after a two year hiatus. The game just keeps calling me back. :yup:

    I thought I would share some screens from a park I've been working on. Merriment Park is a small, somewhat cramped, fun-filled park, with lots of rides. Art Deco is a re-occurring motif in the park. Glen Echo Park (Maryland) pic pic, is a strong influence. There are no themed sections in the park. Each ride stands on it's own.

    Dr. Spook's House of Horror (old school Bill Tracy-like dark ride) and an unnamed Stand Up.

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    Midway Arcade. There are four of these suckers (intentional stylistic repetition) that make up the main central plaza of the park.

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    The Fun House (very fun to make), with Dynamite Run in the background.

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    Some art deco buildings

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    Get Reel Funky and part of Barnstormin'

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    The park should be completed in about two weeks.
  • Scorchio%s's Photo
    Looks interesting... especially the fun house - it looks somewhat evil... which is not necessarily a bad thing :D
  • JKay%s's Photo
    This is neat. That fun house is brilliant. Looks like stuff you would see in a Six Flags park. Nice job man.
  • iBrent%s's Photo
    Testudo! Yer back! schweet...

    That stand up looks wicked with that cobra roll-esque thingy you made, lol. Fun house does look pretty spectacular. Midway looks classic clean/nice, great job with that so far. Dynamite Run looks like a classic Testudo ride too (Del Marv or whatever, that park had great rides and you're bringing that style over, loving it). Studio looks original, so rad on that. And you did a reel good job with the Virginia Reel, lol. Barnstormer looks good too from what can be seen.

    Can't wait to see this park completed! Keep up the great work, glad to have ya back posting stuff again!
  • Geoff%s's Photo
    I really like it.

    It's fun, it's slick, it's classic.
  • supertrooper%s's Photo
    I like most of it. I don't particularly like the layout (what can be seen of it) of the stand up coaster...it just seems too unrealistic to me, whereas most of the architecture seems realistic. I also am not too fond of the midway arcade. It looks like giant birdhouses perched on top of the building. But that's it... I really like most everything else.

  • Aeroglobe%s's Photo
    Testudo is back! I remember that huge 256x256 you had, which was amazing.

    Anyways, I haven't seen a park styled like this in a long time, and it's looking good. Can't wait!

    Aérôglòbe Posted Image
  • Fatha'%s's Photo
    Jesus....this guys an ancient :lol:
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    I'm not the biggest fan of this..

    This just isnt my style of parks and the only place that I see the land height change is in the fun house pic.

    Screen 1: The white coaster is different but not in a good way. The layout is to compact in the little area where you should spread it out a bit to give a more realistic feel. The layout right now looks painful. The archy isnt that bad but still lacks detail. I'm not a big fan of the foliage or the monorail.

    Screen 2: I love the midway! I really like it and the color. The structure looks nice up front but then I'm not a big fan of the repetitiveness. I think you should put something behind the structure just to make it look more finished

    Screen 3: I'm not the biggest fan of the fun house, it's just not my style. I do like that you actually had fun playing it. I find myself many times just building to making it look good when I'm not enjoying it really. The midway her doesnt have the same flare and color here as the screen 2. (also my other comments were already made in the other 2 screens)

    Screen 4: (see previous comments) I do really like the front of the art deco building big props

    Screen 5: (see some previous comments) Very colorful! I'm not crazy about the archy (its not my style) but it still looks like your having fun with it.

    Overall it looks good so far. I see in mainy occasions your havin fun with it which is nice. Its a unique style which I'm not the biggest fan of but its good to see something different. Good job man.
  • Testudo%s's Photo
    Hey, thanks guys.

    The park is almost finished. Here is one more screen:

    The Entrance Plaza

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  • Ride6%s's Photo
    The building in the upper right (ticket booths I believe) is way under done. It needs something to make it more attractive to the eye from our perspecive and the black and white checkerness bugs me.

    Otherwise I think the flower beds could benifit from a tall tree or two...

    Looks good

  • super rich%s's Photo
    Yeah the art and deco has been used well and looks pretty good. I think the foliage needs some work though.
  • Testudo%s's Photo
    The park is finished, but I am having trouble finding a host. Anyone willing to host this park? The zip file is 8MB.


    [Update: scratch that -- I've found a host]
  • iBrent%s's Photo
    EIGHT MEGA-BYTES!?!?! Wow.... um, just post overview screens then, lol. 8mb for a 100x100 park is insane.
  • Testudo%s's Photo
    Yea, I finally finished the park.

    NE release thread here.



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