RCT Discussion / Disenchantment

  • artist%s's Photo
    [font="arial"]I think people should stop building to impress others, just build what you love, build the theme park of your dreams, build a park that you would love to visit. Stop building to impress, main reason why i dislike alot of the recent work coming out, i mean i suppose h2h can be let off but the cane's recent park was blatantly made to impress and it annoys me, yeah i do like to be impressed but in the end the impressive shit only lasts for like what, a day or two. When i see a park that i know the person has put thought into it and not just crammed alot of useless objects together and has really enjoyed what they have built, that impresses me. It's not styles that bother me, it's whether it was made to impress the commuinity or created for themselfs and their enjoyment.

    Bah..im just blabering on, don't even though if that made sense. [/font]
  • Kumba%s's Photo

    [font="arial"]I think people should stop building to impress others, just build what you love, build the theme park of your dreams, build a park that you would love to visit. Stop building to impress, main reason why i dislike alot of the recent work coming out, i mean i suppose h2h can be let off but the cane's recent park was blatantly made to impress and it annoys me, yeah i do like to be impressed but in the end the impressive shit only lasts for like what, a day or two. When i see a park that i know the person has put thought into it and not just crammed alot of useless objects together and has really enjoyed what they have built, that impresses me. It's not styles that bother me, it's whether it was made to impress the commuinity or created for themselfs and their enjoyment.

    Bah..im just blabering on, don't even though if that made sense. [/font]

    I build like that becoz I want to impress myself. I like looking at something I made and be like "Wow I made that" and if you want to look at it like showing off fine go ahead, fact is I like building stuff like that with stuff all over.

    I think ride6 pretty much had the right idea, people keep following styles started by SA, slob and John and its really getting old, however its nice to see people like Ed, JKay, Phatage, Beejer, WME, DJ and Blitz who build in there on ways that have very few if any of other peoples style works in theirs.
  • artist%s's Photo

    [font="arial"]I think people should stop building to impress others, just build what you love, build the theme park of your dreams, build a park that you would love to visit. Stop building to impress, main reason why i dislike alot of the recent work coming out, i mean i suppose h2h can be let off but the cane's recent park was blatantly made to impress and it annoys me, yeah i do like to be impressed but in the end the impressive shit only lasts for like what, a day or two. When i see a park that i know the person has put thought into it and not just crammed alot of useless objects together and has really enjoyed what they have built, that impresses me. It's not styles that bother me, it's whether it was made to impress the commuinity or created for themselfs and their enjoyment.

    Bah..im just blabering on, don't even though if that made sense. [/font]

    I build like that becoz I want to impress myself. I like looking at something I made and be like "Wow I made that" and if you want to look at it like showing off fine go ahead, fact is I like building stuff like that with stuff all over.

    I think ride6 pretty much had the right idea, people keep following styles started by SA, slob and John and its really getting old, however its nice to see people like Ed, JKay, Phatage, Beejer, WME, DJ and Blitz who build in there on ways that have very few if any of other peoples style works in theirs.

    [font="arial"]I dissagree, styles like john's and slob's have came from SA, people like DJ have come from mala, the thing is, no one style is totally original, with exceptions of a few people, people take inspiration and use other peoples style in their work all the time, people don't need to get new styles at all they just need to build what they like building. If you enjoy it i have no problem with it. I also don't think ride6 is in a posititon to be saying this, yeah it's nice to have an opinion but if you believe in something shouldn't you follow it yourself. Hypicritial really.[/font]
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    i like to think i have a relativly unique style. But its deffinetly not without its influences. I deffinetly use Some Mala, Some Magnus and Some Pyro Penguin in every park i build.
    I still love building in RCT and experimenting with the game and i still love looking at everyones parks. I have the greatest respect for anyone whos put the time and effort into making any park. I admit theres alot of parks i dislike and my taste in parks is a little abnormal but for me the games still not stale.
    Take Beejar and blitz for example. They both have superb styles that differ from the norm.

    As long as you build for yourself and enjoy it then i dont see the problem
  • artist%s's Photo

    As long as you build for yourself and enjoy it then i dont see the problem

    [font="arial"]I love you, baby.[/font]
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    This thread makes me feel so unoriginal. :(

    ANYWAY. Yeah, fantasy's cool. But so is that whole classical type shit. As long as they're both done good.
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    I also don't think ride6 is in a posititon to be saying this, yeah it's nice to have an opinion but if you believe in something shouldn't you follow it yourself. Hypicritial really.

    I never suggested that I was. And I'm not asking for truely original work I was just saying that my enthusiasm is fading and this is the best logical reason I can come up with. Obvioiusly I have many influences, and one (mala) is becoming more and more obvious in my work.

    Anyway I'm feeling better and better about the game for just a couple reasons:

    1) I currently have no major deadlines for which I must complete a park and

    2) I've gone back to LL for a bit and am finding it a wholefully enjoyible break from raising 1/4 tiles.

  • catalyst%s's Photo
    3) initiated one of very few constructive threads here, again.

    Something about that mala thing is essential, could be the way of seeing.
  • Jo24%s's Photo
    u know what, i'm gonna make a totally unnatural, freaky solo, thats 95x95
  • penguinBOB%s's Photo
    You fucking do that!! k.kkik..! :et:
  • Steve%s's Photo

    u know what, i'm gonna make a totally unnatural, freaky solo, thats 95x95

    the anticipation is killing me.
  • Mama Bear%s's Photo
    There is hope! I do see a few peeps above getting the point!

    Have (RCT) Fun!

    Why do you think our site was called RCT Fun now almost 5 years ago.......?



    Mama Bear
  • Blitz%s's Photo

    u know what, i'm gonna make a totally unnatural, freaky solo, thats 95x95

    i will make a park chain called "lines"

    which will be 256 parks all with dimensions of 256x1.

  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    That's actually an interesting concept blitz.. you can use a heartline hehe =P.
  • cBass%s's Photo
    Did someone say freaky and unnatural?
  • Jo24%s's Photo
    yep. I already started on it!


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