RCT Discussion / LL Park Database

  • REspawn%s's Photo
    Hi all.

    I have started a park database based around a forum a bit like this one.

    And Here it is...

    However, as you can see it only has one park in it. :rolleyes:

    So, I need you guys to send me your parks.

    Fill out this form when you send them to me.

    Park Name*:
    [also known as]:
    [also known as]:
    and an attachment of the park. Please put "LL" in the subject line.

    Finally send this to


  • mantis%s's Photo
    Mine are all on my parkmaker page. And boy would that forum be big if it was complete. Couldn't you make the parkmakers sub-forums in each letter?
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    I have soooo many LL parks on my computer. Are you really going to try to upload every LL park we've got?
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    I haven't played LL in forever, and I still have over 500 parks on my hard disk. I can send them all to you, but you'll have to document them yourself i'm afraid...
  • posix%s's Photo
    that's incredibly awesome, respawn. great idea.
    i'll try to see what i can do.

    would be even better if you could add one screen per park. although i know that's insanely much work.
    anyway, thanks for this.
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo
    LL galore!!! :D
  • spiderman%s's Photo
    :( I wish my old computer wouldn't have died, and my current one not crashed...

    I must've had 500+ combined...
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    well i currently have 1000+ parks in RCT 1. although a good chunk of them are my unfinnished stuff and random junk from years ago. but alot of rare stuff too
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    Where are you getting the space for this?
  • REspawn%s's Photo
    Definately send 'em all my way. I'll see what I can do!

    @ mantis: That's how it is. See, Ablaze is a subforum in category A.

    @ coaster ed: I do have over 300mb of space, and I can also sign up for another account if I need more. It's not like LL parks are huge or anything.

    @ turtle: That's only what I was expecting to do.

    @ posix: I'll try for the screenshots. Thumbnails or full-size, though?

    @ roomie: Just send all the finished parks, and the rare stuff too ideally. That will complete one objective.

    @ jbruckner: I have 300mb of space. LL parks aren't huge or anything. The host is http://www.goto-site.com and the board is hosted on http://www.getfreebb.com.

    I have also updated it.
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    Nice. :)
  • mantis%s's Photo
    But I think it'd be better to have just A B C D etc on the main page, then you click on the letter and it takes you to the page...although then I suppose you couldn't search for park names...

    just be prepared for the forum to be fucking huge :p
  • posix%s's Photo
    i'd say 640x480.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I'll help with the screenshots if there's an 'attach' function you can enable...
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    I'm sending the parks I made over, my hotmail won't handle large attachments...
  • jhoffa%s's Photo
    if someone has my park(s, if you count stuff i did not finish), do a good deed and submit them
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    Wait. Get in touch with me, there's a way you could program a database that;'s 10x better than this. I was working on one for rcthq way back, it would work a lot better than this, completely integrated in forums etc. with search functions etc. Atm this is going to get pretty ugly when you've got 24 categories and atm they can only be sorted by parkmaker's name, whereas it could be done based on rating/park name/date created/parkmaker etc.
  • REspawn%s's Photo

    Wait. Get in touch with me, there's a way you could program a database that;'s 10x better than this. I was working on one for rcthq way back, it would work a lot better than this, completely integrated in forums etc. with search functions etc. Atm this is going to get pretty ugly when you've got 24 categories and atm they can only be sorted by parkmaker's name, whereas it could be done based on rating/park name/date created/parkmaker etc.

    Okay. Hit me up.
  • super rich%s's Photo
    Oh lol this fucks my ideas up for Rollerct then.
  • REspawn%s's Photo

    Oh lol this fucks my ideas up for Rollerct then.



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