RCT Discussion / Pro Tour Bench

  • DragonInferno%s's Photo
    I've recently had to reformat my computer and didn't keep any files. So I was wondering, can someone e-mail me the protour bench at rrudder@comcast.net.
  • Marshy%s's Photo
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    Why not Marshy?
  • ekimmel%s's Photo
  • mantis%s's Photo
    This bench has been requested/linked to/uploaded more times than UIX...
  • DragonInferno%s's Photo

    This bench has been requested/linked to/uploaded more times than UIX...

    Yeah, but I' m too lazy to search for old topics.

    Thanks, ekimmel.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    I'm sure searching for old topics is just as time-consuming as putting mailto tags in your post...
  • ekimmel%s's Photo
    Even if you find the old topics it doesn't mean that the download links are valid anymore.
  • Magnus%s's Photo

    Even if you find the old topics it doesn't mean that the download links are valid anymore.

    my download still works.
    you just have to find it :lol:
  • cg?%s's Photo
    Why do people look for this bench, anyways? I downloaded, and tried to build something on it, but I couldn't, really. :(

    The size was an issue, but the biggest problem was the lack of decent scenery and ride options. I mean, there was plenty of scenery and ride options, but not nearly enough good ones. Also, the peeps can't get in :(.

    I could understand using it for a contest, but, why else? Except to, maybe, open the Pro Tour entry's, but most of them export scenery...
  • Richie%s's Photo
    cg? you can load it in the scenario editor, then add/remove anything you want. Its a time saving thing, but you would get a better bench if you took your time from the start.

    But everyones too lazy for it.
  • cg?%s's Photo
    Yeah, but why not just make a custom bench from scratch then? That's what I do. Usually takes me about 5 minutes... I bet it took longer to type this out, post it, wait for a reply, and download it! So, why do it? Seems awfully silly...
  • Richie%s's Photo
    i spend hours on benches.. then i dont finish the park.. but still, it doesnt take 5minutes, unless you dont use custom scenery.
  • cg?%s's Photo

    i spend hours on benches.. then i dont finish the park.. but still, it doesnt take 5minutes, unless you dont use custom scenery.

    Well, maybe that's it, then. I never use custom scenery.
  • Xcoaster%s's Photo

    i spend hours on benches.. then i dont finish the park.. but still, it doesnt take 5minutes, unless you dont use custom scenery.

    Yeah, making the benches with custom scenery is what discourages me the most from building parks. It's often a multi-day endeavour for me, especially if I have to clean out my objdata folder first. However, I recently made a nice bench that I think I'll be using from now on. The only problems are that there is a glitchy balloon stall and a path that I'm unable to remove. Argh.

    Making a non-custom scenery bench is easy enough, but that's because you just have to deselect the sports and candy tabs.
  • tyandor%s's Photo
    The Protour bench is a very good base bench. As said you'll need to adapt it to your needs. The great advantage of this bench is all the converted scenery to multi-tile which saves precious object space. Also essential roofs, baseblocks and walls are already grouped together. It means you won't have to spend hours searching all your required scenery together.
  • cg?%s's Photo

    Making a non-custom scenery bench is easy enough, but that's because you just have to deselect the sports and candy tabs.

    But I always select the candy tabs...
  • JBruckner%s's Photo

    But I always select the candy tabs...

    Sigh. Why was I expecting this?
  • cg?%s's Photo

    Sigh.  Why was I expecting this?

    Why do you seem to care about everything I ever write? Freak.


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