RCT Discussion / How did you hear about NE?

  • Scorchio%s's Photo
    I can't remember how I found NE. Probably though Google...
  • cg?%s's Photo

    danimation old skool

    Same here, only I missed the founding of New Element, and had to be directed here, and only started posting at Danimation about 2 years into that site, although I'd been visiting since nearly the begining. Anyways.

    I've still been around here longer than most, and around the community in general even longer, and around the game since day 1, or maybe 2... something like that...
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
  • Stargazer%s's Photo

    Hey, Evil WME, I remember you were called "Way More Excitement" on D-Net and you had a really cutesy image...how times have changed.
  • gir%s's Photo
    danimation wewt.
  • Micool%s's Photo
    I dunno, I knew about Danimation and New Element and the Station back when they were all young but I was way to not cool for that shit, so I basically moved up in stages from Tycoon Resource (shit at least I think that was what it was called, it's been so long) to the Station to NE, finding different stuff like RCT Pro (right? shit I'm old) and stuff on the way before landing here. Never liked D-net much.

    Mostly cause of qwotsa but that's another story. ;)X
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    wow, i remember the UK RCT site, i used to visit that place all the time. that is where i first learned the art of themeing.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    I dunno, I knew about Danimation and New Element and the Station back when they were all young but I was way to not cool for that shit, so I basically moved up in stages from Tycoon Resource (shit at least I think that was what it was called, it's been so long) to the Station to NE, finding different stuff like RCT Pro (right? shit I'm old) and stuff on the way before landing here. Never liked D-net much.

    Mostly cause of qwotsa but that's another story. ;)X

    The time of NE's birth was a time in which I didn't visit Dnet. Besides, it wasn't until NE that anyone remembered me. No one here remembers Tyler24 or Original Prankster (Jesus what was I thinking), do they!
  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    lol, i do.
  • Aeroglobe%s's Photo
    From the Station. I've since found this Board, while there are a few more trolls, more entertaining and fun than many others.
  • Old Red%s's Photo
    ...Western Union...

    ...that's by telegram...for you slow-brained punks...
  • iris%s's Photo
  • Guest_Hawk_%s's Photo
    way back when i was actually looking for a kraken recreation and this site showed up in the results. after looking around the site i was like "WOAH! these guys r good!" so i've just been here since then. and no, i didn't find the recreation.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    way back when i was actually looking for a kraken recreation and this site showed up in the results. after looking around the site i was like "WOAH! these guys r good!" so i've just been here since then. and no, i didn't find the recreation.


    Your time at NE is no longer for naught!
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    danimation. Directly after my long hiatus from it back before Mala's mountain beach was released, I found the d-net forums and found NE when isabel mentioned it on the forums in my one screen topic (anyone remember? isa and her site?)
  • hobbes%s's Photo
    I first head of the site during the Infogrames/NE flame wars. I went to a website named Ultimate RCT, and after about of year of noobish posting, I moved to the RCTCompetition. Some time after that I moved here, and now I only occasionally visit the Compo.
  • Guest_Hawk_%s's Photo


    Your time at NE is no longer for naught!

    thats gay :fuck you: o well
  • Jellybones%s's Photo


    Your time at NE is no longer for naught!

    thats gay :fuck you: o well

    What the fuck was that.
  • iris%s's Photo
  • Xcoaster%s's Photo


    Your time at NE is no longer for naught!

    thats gay :fuck you: o well

    What the fuck was that.

    Maybe he doesn't like LL?

    It looks like a nice recreation. A little inspiring actually. I feel like making a big B&M with custom supports now.


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