(Archive) Advertising District / i'm making a design, too.

  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    Posted Image
    *colors and shit subject to change, so don't worry if you don't like them. Even though I do, but who knows, i may find a color scheme that i like better.

    here's the cobra roll, with it's custom supports, and stuff.

    comment away.

    also, i apologize for what isn't unfinished. even though it's like, barely anything.

    Edited by tracidEdge, 01 November 2005 - 04:26 PM.

  • Alpengeist%s's Photo
    The supporting on that cobra roll, It seems really odd.

    Except for that, I really like it so far.
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    I thinkt the supports look fine, especially taking in account that they are just about as good as you can get in LL. Very nice screens as usual tE
  • RMM%s's Photo
    too...? hahah. :laugh:

    I like all the little details here and there. I think they can flow a lil smoother if you keep playin with the buildings here and there tho. I actually like the colors you have here. The supports area also pretty nice. And forget rct2, so the supports work.

    Try maybe adding some yellow flowers with the purple ones. It may help, but its up to you. Also, try changing the loops to move inward towards eachother. It would also make the supports look like they actually touch the coaster. And the entrance to the gravitron thing, make it abstract so itd look better when it glicthes like that.

    I love how you made the landscape flow with the colors. The rock looks real good with the purple. And the photo section, ups on that. Overall its real nice. Really it is. Just play around and try this here and there. I like it tho. Lookin forward to the next screens. :smile:

    -RMM- :hypnotized:

    Edited by RMM, 01 November 2005 - 06:42 PM.

  • Steve%s's Photo
    Hate it.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    haha, steve, i know.

    anyway, i'll take into consideration what you said, RMM, but i don't think i'll have two colors of flowers. I usually hate how that looks.

    and just so you all know, this is kind of like a spinoff of an area hevydevy did in a collab that i started, which may get done, i don't know. but yeah, just wanted to give credit where it is due.
  • postit%s's Photo
    The cobra roll with the rocks and stuff reminded me of Sea World Atlanta, like immediately. I don't know why, but I guess that is a good thing? I don't like the way the supports on the path look, though. Just some little touches like that here and there would make this great. I like what you have so far, so please continue! :bigggrin:
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    Love it.
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    I really really like it actually. The supports to me are perfect and I just generally love the look of the screen. Great work.

    Metro :cool:
  • posix%s's Photo
    reminds me of nspheres in some aspects (not meant as in i feel copied).
    not really my thing. i mean well, it's semi-realism :p
  • Hexiage%s's Photo
    Great! :nod:
    The landscaping, the foliage, the archy: very good!
    The idea from RMM to add yellow flowers:add yellow flowers!!!!
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    actually, posix, i used Illumination Blade as a reference when i was doing the supports.

    anyway, thanks for the comments everyone, they're really appreciated.

    also, postit, which supports?
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    blast it all, why must everyone start designs right after my D: drive crashes and i can't enter mine!
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    Really the half large loop on the left should be shifting (side to side) the other way, it just looks better. But NO!!!!!! to the yellow flowers, pink maybe (tis a most wonderful color for flowers) but not yellow. The yellow would clash here unless the color of just about everything in the whole screen was to be changed.

    Really other than my (major) issue with the direction of that half loop I'm really liking it.

  • Valp%s's Photo
    It's alright, I guess... I don't like the supports under the flat section of the cobra roll, and that statue seems out of place...

    My favorite part is the purple flowers under the path in the middle. And the hacked path roof in the corner there is nifty.

    Edited by Valp, 02 November 2005 - 05:53 PM.

  • super rich%s's Photo
    Its not looking to bad Tracid but like others im not very fond of the supports.
  • yyo%s's Photo
    I like the cobra roll area, and the supports around it, but that's about it. Nothing else really catches my eye.
  • postit%s's Photo
    where the tarmac path hangs out over the rocks.

    maybe try to hack chairlift supports, or something like that, it just looks a little awkward as of now.
  • -MoNtU...%s's Photo
    Not bad, I'm just not to fond of the colors. IMO it doesn't seem to look that great with the other colors.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    this is a screen of the finale, with the interlocking corkscrews and the station to the ride. The queue line can be seen going to the right, then coming back and connecting with the path behind that building there.

    Posted Image

    lol, i need something better to do on a saturday night.


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