General Chat / Last Movie You Saw?

  • Steve%s's Photo

    :<img src=:' />

    NO WAY! Are you serious!? B & R is hands-down one of the WORST comic to film adaptations! This series of Batman is way more "real-world," and waaaaaaaay closer to the actual source material. Heath Ledger is BRILLIANT as the Joker; makes Nicholson's portrayal look like Bozo the Clown.

    Batman & Robin was garbage. ew.

    I was kidding, holmes.

    Also saw the Dark Knight.
    I am calling it now: Ledger will win an Oscar whether he's dead or not. He was simultaneously terrifying and hilarious.
  • zodiac%s's Photo
    i am so pissed that i haven't seen it yet. hopefully going this week. i think i'm going to see it again after that in Boston with some friends before a P.TM concert.
  • postit%s's Photo


    That's well above Godfather and company by 0.4! Last I checked it was a 9.0. So this means that the public have rated it HIGHER than the fanboys did after seeing it midnight. (I checked Friday morning)

    I hope it stays up there. Usually the ratings on IMDB go down after initial reaction.
  • Soulcist%s's Photo

    I was kidding, holmes.
    Also saw the Dark Knight.
    I am calling it now: Ledger will win an Oscar whether he's dead or not. He was simultaneously terrifying and hilarious.

    OH! ROFL. Well good; internet sarcasm is hard to interpret at times. Whew, thank God cuz I really thought you were serious. Yeah Heath needs to AT LEAST get nominated; i mean Jack was nominated back in '90 and Heath's portrayal was SO MUCH better. Only thing is, we haven't really gotten into "Oscar season" of Nov/Dec and who knows what other actor he will have to go up against. I really see the academy paying tribute to him with at LEAST a nomination tho; he didn't win two years ago for Brokeback so maybe 2009 will be his year.

    I bought my tickets for the IMAX here in Dallas and the earliest available time was TUESDAY at noon. People are supporting the HELL outta this flick.

    And I really do hope it shatters Spider-Man 3's opening weekend record; that movie was such a disappointment plus TDK just simply OWNS the hell outta Spidey 3.
  • nin%s's Photo

    And I really do hope it shatters Spider-Man 3's opening weekend record; that movie was such a disappointment plus TDK just simply OWNS the hell outta Spidey 3.

    it has.
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo
    The Dark Knight (twice)

    Amazing movie, great performances all around, great special effects, and some great humor. My only complaint is that it wasn't as good on a repeat viewing.
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    The Dark Knight + Wall-E + Bourne Ultimatum + Hellboy 2 + Chronicle of Riddick + Doom

    movies i've viewed in the last week. All good.
  • FullMetal%s's Photo

    With all the hype over TDK (seeing it tomorrow), it was kind of nice to see a different hero on the big screen. Will Smith did a great job. It was a good movie, with a lot of realism in it, and a surprise twist. It reminded me a little of Spiderman 2, where Parker was a depressed whiney super hero, but instead of being a depressed whiney super hero, Hancock is an alcoholic super hero. Nobody likes him and he causes a lot of collateral damage (many have probably seen the commercial where he stops the train by standing in front of it). After being saved by Hancock, a PR guy decides to help him turn his life around. Then there's the surprise twist. Then there's some other stuff that's really gripping. Then they end it with an okay ending. The way the movie was going I think the ending would have been better, but then it did a 180, which was okay, but not as good as what I was expecting. It also had some good laughs, which made the whole thing a good, all-around movie.

    Overall: 8/10
  • MF72 %s's Photo
    Last movie I saw?

    Only the greatest movie ever.

    The Dark Knight, of course. Heath Ledger was top-notch. Nobody will be able to top his performance. Definitely the greatest ever. The one thing I didn't like about it was all the talking, and there wasn't as much action scenes as I thought there would be, but hey, The Joker and the hospital scene all make up for it. :)
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo

    The Love Guru- 8/10. Seemed a little short, but it was full of that classic Mike Myers comedy. Would love to go see it again.

    you're not allowed to have an opinion anymore.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    Also i've seen the dark knight four times how about them apples
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    The Dark Knight

    Holy shit... That's really all there is to say. I saw it yesterday and it was fucking incredible. Heath Ledger was fantastic. I've always like Batman, but the Joker was one of my least favorite bad guys. But I really like Nolan's portrayal of the Joker. He was twisted and dark, but he still made jokes. ("What happened? Did your balls drop off?") And I agree with Sternkreig, the hospital scene was great. The boat scene was better though. It was just so pychologically tormenting. It was an incredible movie because it held me from the very beginning and never let up on the action. The visual effects were great too. Everyone says that Ledger did a fantastic job as the Joker, and he did do a great job, but you have to give a hand to the special effects people. Best Two-Face ever! It was the kind of Two-Face where you go, "Ewwwwww," and "Sweeeeet," at the same time. What I thought was really good about Two-Face, though, was Dent's transformation. Nolan did a great job at turning Harvey Dent into a man out for revenge. (Yeah, I've always liked Two-Face, in case you haven't noticed.) All the characters were great though, because they left an impression. They were all unique in their own way, and Nolan did a fantastic job at bringing out their qualities.

    This has to be my new favorite movie of all time. 10/10
  • Darwin%s's Photo
    Shut the fuck up, you idiot.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo

    Yeah, I've always liked Two-Face, in case you haven't noticed.)

    no i couldn't why don't you tell me about it some more
  • rK_%s's Photo
    The Pineapple Express

    umm, alot of brownines an the stuff that went into the brownies made me space alot of the movie but overall it was the shit, any true head would appreciate it in the sense of the randomness of a potheads day. Plus those 2 together was some of the best comedy ive seen in awhile, they clicked on screen like farley an spade an just as cheesy.

    i recommend it, unless you got to church.
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    Saw V

    Went and saw it with some friends on opening night. Not as good as some of the other Saw movies, but still good. I especially liked the opening scene, in which my friend looks at me and says, "Don't be surprised if I leave halfway through the movie." She had never seen a Saw movie, so I don't exactly blame her, but overall it wasn't that gory.

    I give it 7/10.
  • zburns999%s's Photo
    I went to the opening of Saw 5, as well. I thought it was pretty sick--just one of those movies that held my attention the entire time, and I didn't need to think too much. While it lacked the "saw twist" of the others, I deffinitely thought it was one of the better movies in the series, and helped me understand Saw 4 better. 8/10.

    Also saw Quarentine two weeks ago. I had no intentions to see this, as it looked pretty damn stupid, to say the least. But man was this movie a good time. It was incredibly stupid, as I thought, but I went with like ten other friends who were all terrified, so I was having a good time making fun of everything going on. 7/10.
  • gir%s's Photo
    Sex Drive

    Pretty funny movie actually.
  • Marshy%s's Photo
    DVD - Casino Royale & 51st State
    Cinema - How to Lose Friends and Alienate People
  • RCTCA%s's Photo
    Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.



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