General Chat / Mel Gibson

  • Blitz%s's Photo
    This is sad.

    This is really sad.

    Another case of a pacified middle america drowning themselves in the faults of famous people in order to not feel like the completely worthless dipshits that they are.

    And this was stupid too. The reason you don't release this kind of information is because it has far reaching effects. They were right to have him re-write the report without all the things that were said. It's just a fucking DUI, and he was just being a drunken asshole. Take away his license, case closed. How hard is that?

    All these small minded peeps that cling to their enquirer like a bible are the reason the news can't cover shit that's actually fucking IMPORTANT.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Well i'm pretty sure it's in the best interests of the woman featuring in that documentary that it isn't Gibson who's making it.
  • Micool%s's Photo
    Oh yeah, and the fact that this is the man who made what some call the most "deeply affecting" and "important" Christian movie about the life of Jesus, certainly the most widely popular anyway. This dude spent a year defending himself and his movie against claims about being anti-semetic, and then a year after that, goes on a drunken tyrade about Jews. Starting all wars, fucking Jews, etc. Hmmm I'm sorry but even when I'm wasted I don't just pull shit like that out of my ass.
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    doesn't hurt me. I could care less about gibson's personal faults and ethics. The WEATHER is more important to me than gibson.
  • mantis%s's Photo
    not everyone can be a wonderful as you, blitz.
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    -_- I'm not suggesting anything like that. I'm just saying that focusing on this isn't helping anyone. To be sure, it certainly hurts gibson and I imagine all those people you mention find that good enough a reason.

    Edited by Blitz, 04 August 2006 - 07:01 PM.

  • mantis%s's Photo
    heh yeah I get you I was just being facetious (but also it's true that if mroe people took your attitude then there'd be a lot more perspective on the issue).
    and I hope you appreciate my leniency on your muffin installer.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    hahaha i remember that shit.

    but yeah. mel gibson. that crazy anti-semite.
  • Mike Robbins%s's Photo
    Drinking does crazy shit to people. I'm sure he really doesn't 'hate' jews, it is more than likely the alcohol talking. It happens. Being part jewish, I personally take no offense, but I would love to see South Park make fun of this!
  • Dixi%s's Photo
    TBH I couldnt care less about the wars in the world, it only bothers me when its thrust into my face. Call me ignorant or what ever, I just dont care about the wars that have nothing to do with me.

    And if Mel Gibson has an oppinion on Jews then good on him lol. Such out rage because Mel Gibson doesnt like Jews.... roflcopter. I hope he really offended somebody, it would prove Mel right, IMO you can only be offended by something which is true, otherwise its water off a ducks back.
  • Micool%s's Photo
    Cancel my last comment, I'm really very sick of this now.


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