(Archive) Advertising District / Emerald Hills

  • Arez%s's Photo
    Hello. I have started a new 130x130 park, Its Name: [size=4]Emerald Hills: A Cedar Fair L.P. Park[size=2]


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    RV park

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    Heres the entrance to the challenge park,(go-karts mini-golf etc) Admission is free, but rides cost money.

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    A shot inside the challenge Park, If you look to the right you'll see 'Challenge Shot'

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    And heres Challenge shot, and Challenge Karts.

    Well, that concludes update number 1! Check back for more.

    Comments/Critisism gladly Accepted.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Looks good, nice realism and it seems pretty well planned, I expect it to be a pretty good park even tho I prefer them with more detail.
  • zodiac%s's Photo
    I like the realistic vibe on this, especially since this is the first RCT park I've seen with and RV park :D
  • Genius638%s's Photo
    the rv park is cool....but I'm not digging the tower ride in 'Challenge Park'....I'm not even sure what it's supposed to be...
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    Looks interesting...
    It has a pleasant atmosphere, and I like the traditional looks. The buildings are ok, but there isn't anything innovating to see. For some reason, I feel that I can't make a complete comment here. I'll wait until you show some more screens. (Sorry man)
  • Corkscrew%s's Photo

    the rv park is cool....but I'm not digging the tower ride in 'Challenge Park'....I'm not even sure what it's supposed to be...

    S&S Power Skysling, like Absolutely Insane at Fantasy Island, Eruption at SF Great Adventure, Frontier City etc...

    Well, I don't really like it either, I mean, right now it looks like some sort of Sqat Dive, or whatever it's called. You should remove one of those four poles and take out the connectors between them, the structure just doesn't make sense at all.

    But apart from that, it looks ok.

    Edited by Corkscrew, 01 December 2006 - 01:31 PM.

  • Steve%s's Photo
    It would help if the roofing wasn't the same for every building, balcony, and queue covering.
  • Nitrous Oxide%s's Photo
    Looking pretty good, let's see some coasters! ;)
  • Levis%s's Photo
    it really is realistic but that doesn't always mean it is nice, I didn't really got the RV park idea (does RV stand for Road Vehicle ? ).

    the roofing I also don't liek, al those point on it seems kind of strange ... try some more flat roofing.
  • Carl%s's Photo
    RV stands for Recreational Vehicle, or in other words, a Motorhome or Mobile Home. Its a good idea for a park cause some people use those to travel very far distances to parks around the country.
  • JDP%s's Photo
    its dont look that bad. enjoyable. reminds me of my work a bit i guess you can say...
  • Genius638%s's Photo
    they must have RVs in the netherlands....although I guess they wouldn't use the same abbreviation, huh?
  • Emergo%s's Photo

    they must have RVs in the netherlands....although I guess they wouldn't use the same abbreviation, huh?

    ^ Lol! LOl!: no......I don't think we do have have anything like that in The Netherlands.....it's sooooo small that you can travel from West (the sea) to East (German border), and from North (sea) to south (Belgium border) within less than 2 hours. Of course people do have motorhomes etc. (to travel around Europe mostly) and there are places to "parking" them, but not especially at Theme-parks as far as I know....

    To the screens: looking nice, promising for sure, but nothing special yet.

    I agree with the comments on the roofs: would probably be nicer if you vary them a bit with other roof-tiles or flat-roofs.

    Anyhow, keep going and have fun, :D
  • Genius638%s's Photo
    God, I can't imagine living in Europe (on the Continent)^! Going from country to country there is like going from state to state here! I mean, the state of New York I thik is larger than your whole country! It must be cool, being able to easily visit all these other cultures. America is so boring like that.


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