Theme Park Discussion / Maverick's Heartline roll removed

  • zodiac%s's Photo
    Read this on Screamscape:

    "In a bit of more shocking news to many, Cedar Point has confirmed (via the OnPoint! blog) that the troublesome Heartline Roll will be removed all together and replaced with a simple “S-curve”. From the sound of it, an S-Curve is the marketing department’s attempt to make a simple banking maneuver from the right to the left attempt to sound like a good replacement to what should have been Maverick’s signature inversion element. So there you have it, Maverick will now have one less inversion than originally planned... and it was the good one too. This just keeps getting better and better doesn’t it? There are two good pictures on there too showing the workers ripping apart the bad track sections."

    God damnit.
  • gir%s's Photo
    this is kind of old news, but yeah. huge mistake on intamin or cedar point's part, but it'll still be a great ride, i'm sure.
  • Rhynos%s's Photo
    I haven't kept up with this: what all went wrong with the heartline?
  • Carl%s's Photo
    According to the article called "MEDIA ALERT: Maverick Update - Park Begins Track Modifications" at this location, there was "stress on the coaster’s trains at this location", referring to the location of the heartline roll.

    Edited by ride_exchanger, 25 May 2007 - 08:02 AM.

  • Lloyd%s's Photo
    Wow, that's terrible planning, probably on Intamin's behalf. Really unproffesional. Anyone else starting to get the feeling that B&M are the only company you can trust? :p
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    Maybe because B&M hasn't really been taking anywhere near as many risks as Intamin.
  • Magnus%s's Photo
    Question is, if it's been Intamin's mistake or if Werner Stengel did the mistakes.
  • tyandor%s's Photo

    Wow, that's terrible planning, probably on Intamin's behalf. Really unproffesional. Anyone else starting to get the feeling that B&M are the only company you can trust? :p

    That's because B&M only uses proven technology and does very little out of their standard box. You can't blame Intamin for being innovative and trying new thrills. It's a lot of new and complicated stuff you have to deal with and as with anything the failure rate on new grounds is simply higher. Still wondering what went wrong with the inversion though. Perhaps they still will be placing a better designed inline roll later and just hope that this is a short term solution. On CP's side you don't want your novelty down for a long time in the high season, because the coaster would be worth not much more than scrapmetal if it won't operate because of a problem that could drag a while.
  • gir%s's Photo
    the ride's opening soon now anyway, and it has already been ridden. the hearltine roll was replaced pretty quickly.
  • Phatage%s's Photo
    true intamin is more adventurous with rides and has noticeably poorer reliability, not true that they were unable to anticipate the stresses put on the trains by this heartline roll, which is what it is just with different exiting and ending banking. b&m have done many a heartline roll without this problem, it would be one thing if maverick needed to be altered with the lims and everything but this mistake is something that shouldn't have happened; i would have rather had the 's bend' been planned, not have gotten our hopes up extra and have the ride opened on time rather than this, which hopefully isn't a rushed opening...
  • Leonardofury%s's Photo
    I believe one of the key problems wasn't just the stress on the trains but also the stress on the riders. I've heard rumours that testing found that they would be under 6-7G through the inline roll, which is generally considered too high.

    Edited by Leonardofury, 26 May 2007 - 06:12 PM.

  • 5dave%s's Photo
    The "ouch-roll":

  • Todd Lee%s's Photo
    Painful or not, that was a sexy roll!
  • geewhzz%s's Photo
    I got to see it test in person before they started the removal and it looked like an incredible element. It was the one most people were looking forward to throughout the offseason.
  • Fatha'%s's Photo
    Well i know why its so damn forceful, its not a true zero-g roll! The riders are whipped downward (Like in RCT2's LIM coaster's zero-g roll).
  • JDP%s's Photo
    ^Uh huh! I thought it was going to be something more like a heart line roll.
  • Rhynos%s's Photo
    Why didn't they just fix the element by turning it into a true heartline? Seems foolish on someone's (Intamin, CP, WS, etc.)hands to take out it's signature. Like replacing the cars on X with flying ones.
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    Or whomever didn't check the forces properly, or fucked up at the manufacturing facility or WHATEVER... I don't really care, I just want a goddamn heartline roll there! I don't care if the ride opens until next year, without that roll it doesn't mean half as much to me (being launched into a 95 degree drop saves it).

    Why Mr. Stengel/Intamin AG/Cedar Fair, Why?

    *goes off to write an angry letter to Cedar Poin asking them to please "fix" the lack of rolls*

  • Carl%s's Photo
    Yes CP needs more rolls, my burgers feel naked! Oh, wait...


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