(Archive) Place-To-Release-Your-Parks Land / Superior Parks Vegas Paradice

  • just20706%s's Photo
    When seeing all of these parks and designs on NE I notice that just about everyone is always so focused on archy, scenery, landscaping and ride design, that it seems like everyone has forgotten about what it was like when you began playing RCT. Before all of the user made objects and rides, it was a simpler time when we didn't care about our park looking great, it was about it functioning great. Some of you may say now "I've always have been focused on how my park looked." But deep down, each one of us had that moment where we made our first park in Forest Frontiers or Crazy Castle and made single wide paths leading to rollercoasters with 12.37 intensity levels that peeps wouldn't dare ride. And surrounding these coasters weren't extravagent castles or mile-high mountains, but just flat green land with an occasional trees here and there.

    So I decided that I wanted to make a series of parks dedicated to that sole mission of RCT; make a park your peeps would love. So I hope you have a little space in your heart and your hard drive, to download Superior Parks Veags Paradice.
    Posted Image

    Screens (of course I wasnt going to entirely leave out scenery!!):


    Edited by just20706, 11 July 2007 - 09:55 AM.

  • disneylhand%s's Photo
    I see your objective, and I do hope that you have fun working this way, but I don't understand why they are entitled "superior parks". They certainly aren't superior to anything else around here with custom scenery and other advances in RCT in my eyes...


    Edited by disneylhand, 11 July 2007 - 10:27 AM.

  • Loopy%s's Photo
    Don't mean to burst your bubble or anything but Fatha' is doing the exact same thing only hes combining the RCT aspect of the game along with aesthetics. I think that idea works out so much better than this one does. Why not have the best of both?
  • just20706%s's Photo
    replying to disneylhand: I didnt call it "Superior Parks" because they are superior or anything, I just wanted to make up a name for the chain and thats what came to me.
  • Regulatin%s's Photo

    I see your objective, and I do hope that you have fun working this way, but I don't understand why they are entitled "superior parks". They certainly aren't superior to anything else around here with custom scenery and other advances in RCT in my eyes...


    A park doesn't need custom scenery to be great. Plus, Superior Parks is meant to be like a park chain, like; Cedar Fair, and Six Flags.
  • disneylhand%s's Photo
    Okay, I understand what you meant by the name being the name of a chain, and I have all along, but it just sounded a little weird to me...

    Oh, and Regulatin, you misunderstood what I was trying to say. just20706 was advertising his parks as "...just flat green land with an occasional trees here and there."

    I'm sure I have built many parks that look just like these ones, but I wouldn't be posting them as something 'a creative approach at parkmaking by digging deep to the sole mission of RCT2'... but rather in the "Your Crappiest Park" thread. Just my take on things... don't let this post stop you from doing what makes you happy. If this is truly what you want to be doing, (as the gread Gladdys says...) "keep on keepin' on".



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