Pro Tour 3 / Best Prelim?

Which prelim would you say was the best?

  • Kumba%s's Photo
    My vote went to J K.

    Great work on the perlims everyone :birthday::)
  • Peeee%s's Photo
    Breezing Spirits. No question.
  • Ge-Ride%s's Photo
    Toxica Aquatica
    You all know it's true.
  • Loopy%s's Photo
    Im with Kumba on this one JKs water ride was amazing.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    chimera. loved that ride
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    Toxica Aquatica. Seriously, the scenery was amazing, and the whole complex seemed as if it was a living creature. Most amazing thing I've ever seen!
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    Breezing Spirits...that was a hell of a ride!
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    5dave's bridge.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    not a hard choice for me :p .
    Tocixa Aquatica for me.
    Altough JK's entry was very good also I already told some things I didn't like about it.

    Dave's entrys was very good to ... but just because the ammount of work (hacks) I've put in it also I wont vote on it :p .
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    I'm between TA, BS and Thira...I don't know which to choose...
  • Emergo%s's Photo

    Dave's entrys was very good to ... but just because the ammount of work (hacks) I've put in it also I wont vote on it :p .

    ^ "just because the amount of hacks you put into it".....?????? :<img src=:' />

    Sorry Leo, I appreciate and value your unique hacking skills, they are great, but Dave's park was just great on it's own, even without any hacks.......he really did not need you to make a fine and refined winning park on his own......(after that fabulous bridge he already made).

    I am not going to vote in this topic, as I did not find enough time yet to view all entries in game, and then it is silly to vote imo, but your arrogant -advertising-yourself-attitude nearly tempted me to vote nevertheless (not on your park, to be clear..... :bandit: )
    You don't need that attitude, we all know your go and make great park with it............

  • JJ%s's Photo
    He was only joking :p
  • Emergo%s's Photo

    He was only joking :p

    Could be, but if so, we still don't need you as an interpretor JJ, Levis is smart enough to speak for himself...... :nod:

  • lucas92%s's Photo
    ^Don't be so sure about this. :p
  • zodiac%s's Photo
    Thira, easily.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    It was the fact that he used ':p'

    Sorry :p
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    egg_head's Mystery Creek for me.
  • Fr3ak%s's Photo
    ^ for me too
  • Levis%s's Photo

    Could be, but if so, we still don't need you as an interpretor JJ, Levis is smart enough to speak for himself...... :nod:


    I was indeed just joking :p .
    off course Dave's entry was very good ;) ... and he knows (just like all other members) I've got no problem with doing some hack job for others :p .
  • Magnus%s's Photo
    May I sent my empty PT3 bench to you? :p


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