Micro Madness / Micro Madness is Underway!

  • Luigi%s's Photo
    I have also started building in case I can/may enter this contest, year five already and around 30% of the whole thing is done.

    I really hope to hear soon if I can enter :)
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    well bug has not replied to my PM yet, but in it I said he had till the weekend to get back to me. just keep building and hoping.
  • Loopy%s's Photo
    Nearly finished my round 1 entry so it'l probably be in your inbox soon Kumba.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    In one of mine I have a part that goes off the map like this for 1 square...

    Posted Image

    I'm just wondering if this is allowed or will I have to re jig the layout a little :p
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Thats awesome Loopy :)

    And JJ I guess that ok, im not gona get all uppity about something small like that.
  • bug33558%s's Photo
    thanks for giving me some time Kumba I am checking it with my parents (There is a 99.9 percent they will say yes) i should have an answer by

    Edited by bug33558, 06 November 2007 - 09:44 PM.

  • JJ%s's Photo
    Why on earth would you need to check with your parents :S?
  • FullMetal%s's Photo

    And JJ I guess that ok, im not gona get all uppity about something small like that.

    I know I'm not in charge of this contest, and I hate to be a stick in the mud, but if the entry is supposed to be on a 15x15 map, then that should be the one governing law of this contest. If you let one person slide, then other people are going to take advantage of this loophole, and pretty soon you'll go from a 15x15 maximum to a 16x16 maximum. That's a difference of 31 squares, which is enough for a small building, or a few more pieces of track. I just think that's... a little bit irritating, considering the original regulations. But that's just me.

    And kudos to JJ for getting that much track in such a small space. Although we can't see the entire layout, it still surprises me. I never thought that kind of coaster would work on a 15x15 map.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Xin it's not like he he made the map bigger, it's just a glitch and it makes the extra space he used look messed up anyways.

    Also I just got Loopy's entry, so thats three guys in and if Xcoaster, zburns999 or Ge-Ride get their entires in fairly soon we could see an early match-up.
  • Camcorder22%s's Photo
    Based on that answer, Ill assume its ok to have walls hanging on the outer edge of the map like I posted a few days ago. But if it isn't then tell me
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Well then your using the area outside the 15x15.
  • Ge-Ride%s's Photo
    Crap, because I was doing the same thing as Camcorder, covering up the land on the outside of the map for asthetic reasons and my mini would otherwise be more ruined then it is already. Oh well.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Yeah I was gonna do that too. Crap.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Ah alright, you guys can cover the outside, but I just that would only work in RCT2 entires.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Right, I wouldn't need to do that in an LL entry. :p
  • Trainman 2000%s's Photo
    I'm against J K?
    THE J K?
  • ekimmel%s's Photo

    I'm against J K?
    THE J K?

    Welcome to the big leagues, son. :bandit:
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    There's a difference between have a ride go off the map invisably and having your buildings go over the edge. JJ's doesnt have anything over the boundry except the coaster train, where yours has scenery.

    If it's going like this, I think we should just ban both ideas. everything should stay in the 15x15, no exceptions, or else your exception list will be a mile long.
  • Fisch%s's Photo

    There's a difference between have a ride go off the map invisably and having your buildings go over the edge. JJ's doesnt have anything over the boundry except the coaster train, where yours has scenery.

    If it's going like this, I think we should just ban both ideas. everything should stay in the 15x15, no exceptions, or else your exception list will be a mile long.

    Exactly my thought!
    What would for example happen if one had done something like that but hadn't asked you if he was allowed to do it?

  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    Guys, just make the best micropark.


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