Ask the Experts / rctreliABLE compatible with WW + TT?

  • Soulcist%s's Photo
    As I continue to try to catch up on years missed of spotlights, blockbusters, contest winners and other creations on this awesome site, I of course keep running into the annoyance of rides breaking down every .5 seconds in the parks where any ride was hacked. I researched this and found that I needed to download the RctreliABLE patch from the 8 Cars per Trainer site, which I did successfully and extracted the files.

    Upon clicking on the patch file, as documented, a small DOS window opens briefly and then closes. Now from my understanding, at that point, a patching of the rct2.exe file is supposed to happen, right? And then a backup file is created? For some reason the DOS window opens for me, and then nothing else happens. At first I thought it must have worked, but after opening many more parks I noticed that I was still having the breakdown problem.

    At this point I've tried running the patch a couple more times and still nothing happens. I didn't know if it had anything to do with me having both Wacky Worlds and Time Twister installed as well? I also had installed the "official" Wacky Worlds patch before installing TT over it. Can this have anything to do with why the patch seems to not be functioning?

    At this point, I am willing to uninstall both expansion packs if it means I can watch these awesome hacked rides run; I mean, if I end up downloading a park that uses WW or TT objects, won't the objects just be imported into my objdata folder anyways?

    Hmm... I dunno, I'm just out of ideas now and I know that the guys on this board are seasoned experts and I'm sure one of you has an idea of what could be going on. Thanks in advance for any help! :)

    Edited by Soulcist, 14 July 2008 - 02:02 PM.

  • Levis%s's Photo
    there are two files in the RELIable folder.
    one is a trainer (probally the one you used) you have to run it after you started rct2 and it will prevent breakdowns. you have to use this every time.
    the other is the patch. I believe you have to copy that to your rct2 folder.
    I think after applying the patch you wont be able to run WW and TT anymore, but I dont know for sure.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Why do you have to run that trainer btw?

    Cos when I did what you told me to it just worked just like that forever without ever needing anything like that :-/
  • Soulcist%s's Photo

    Why do you have to run that trainer btw?

    Cos when I did what you told me to it just worked just like that forever without ever needing anything like that :-/

    Yeah, that was exactly my impression, that you didn't need the trainer if you had installed the patch... And no, I put the patch file in my rct2 folder and then clicked it and nothing ever happened. I guess I don't mind using the trainer every time (I need to see if that even works), but sheesh, it sure would be nice to not have to open that every time I run RCT. Hmph. Ah well, i suppose.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Well I know you have to use the trainer for that but Levis gave me some instructions just to reduce it without running the trainer so I was just wondering why reliable needed a trainer :p
  • Levis%s's Photo
    you use the trainer if you dont want to use the patch (Like I do).
    are you running vista?
    if so first disable UAC else you cant offcourse change anything in the program files directory so the patch wont work.
  • Soulcist%s's Photo
    I'm actually in XP still. I'm just wondering... if I go ahead and re-install RCT2 and leave off WW and TT (is this recommended or no?), but then download parks by people who had WW and TT, will I be able to open the parks? It should import the objects, right?

    I'm so bummed... I just opened a park I created while using the trainer (I don't even really know how to use the "hacking" features), and all I used it for was to like, add money, clean paths, and make guests happy, and now my park is all jacked up if I don't run the reliable trainer every time. If I could get the patch to work, that would be ideal.

    Thanks for your help guys, any suggestions?
  • Levis%s's Photo
    almost nobody uses WW and TT cause the things they add aren't really that special.
    it will import the objects but you cant open the park cause you need WW and TT for it. so the objects its import are useless also.

    the reliable patch is never tested with WW and TT if I remember right, that's why it probally don't work.
  • Soulcist%s's Photo
    okay awesome. thanks levis; i came back to this thread right after reading that most people here don't even have WW and TT installed on NE's contact page. I am almost positive that because I have these installed that the patch won't run. I will attempt to re-do my RCT2 installation and then update this thread so that if anybody else should come along later with the same issue, they will know of a solution.

    thanks again!
  • Soulcist%s's Photo
    turns out that yep it was WW + TT causing the conflicts with the patch. once i uninstalled rct completely and re-installed minus the expansions, the patch did it's job correctly. So yay!


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