General Chat / Obama Elected President

  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
  • DragonInferno%s's Photo
    1. Obama is not Muslim. I'm constantly baffled that people still believe this utter bullshit when it has been proven wrong time after time. He's gone to a Christian church for over 25 years!
    2. Being charismatic and having aspirations to run the country does not make you the anti-Christ. By that logic, JFK and Ronald Reagan were both anti-Christs.
    3. I hope neither of you is able to vote.
  • marsh%s's Photo

    Obama is not Muslim. I'm constantly baffled that people still believe this utter bullshit when it has been proven wrong time after time. He's gone to a Christian church for over

    EXACTLY! hes planed it out for 25 years! A perfect cover up!

    I hope neither of you is able to vote.

    im not
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo

    1. Would a Christian be strongly in favor butchering infants? Would a Christian demand "Change!" without specifying what, exactly, needs changing? Would a Christian push, essentially, socialist doctrines on an unsuspecting country?
    2. Obama also supports assorted evil things, outlined above. Reagan did not.
    3. Next time (well, I'm in Canada, and I turn 18 in March, but we have elections every week here it seems). Why not? It's not like our one vote can suddenly make BOTH Obama and McCain lose (sigh....).

    Besides the abortion part, I don't see how the other two points could be argued as anti-Christian, though I will enjoy seeing you try. The country is hardly unsuspecting since McCain started calling Obama a socialist.

    These "evil" things just seem to be a list of things you disagree with. On my list: Kevin Enns. Pretty fucking evil.

    Because you are misinformed, ignorant, and would be a foreignor. And I think we can all agree that you think immigrants don't deserve a say.
  • DragonInferno%s's Photo

    1. Would a Christian be strongly in favor butchering infants? Would a Christian demand "Change!" without specifying what, exactly, needs changing? Would a Christian push, essentially, socialist doctrines on an unsuspecting country?
    2. Obama also supports assorted evil things, outlined above. Reagan did not.
    3. Next time (well, I'm in Canada, and I turn 18 in March, but we have elections every week here it seems). Why not? It's not like our one vote can suddenly make BOTH Obama and McCain lose (sigh....).

    1. No, but I'm sure some more rational Christians would recognize that it is unconstitutional for a government entity to place restrictions on a woman's choice, and likewise recognize that despite what moral reservations one has, it is not the place of the government to force its morals upon others. Also, Obama has specified several times what he wants to change, namely the politics of division and lobbyist-control. You can agree or disagree on whether he will change these things, but he has been very clear on this point several times, even to the point where he mentions it in practically every speech. Also, quick crash course: middle class tax cuts and progressive taxing does not equal socialism, mainly because they have been a cornerstone of American capitalism for several decades.

    2. Reagan supported trickle-down economics. That's pretty evil.

    Edited by DragonInferno, 03 November 2008 - 10:28 PM.

  • Blitz%s's Photo
    THIS JUST IN: Kevin Enns doesn't realize that BOTH candidates are suggesting a redistribution of wealth in their financial plans.

  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    Except he doesn't live in this country.
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    Yeah, that's the ironic part.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    I just got back from voting. The nice thing about where I live in Miami is that most of the residents can't vote (citizenship), so the line is never that long. I was in and out in under an hour, even got to see a shouting match (in Spanish, lol). There was a lot of things to vote on, but all I was there for was to vote for Obama, which I did first.

    Anyone else vote today, and if so what was your experience like?
  • ACEfanatic02%s's Photo

    Anyone else vote today, and if so what was your experience like?

    Yep. First time for me.

    Decently long line, which I've never seen at our precinct in all the times I've gone with my parents. And aside from some Republicans handing out "sample" ballots (filled out for republican candidates), no one was being an ass.

    I love being able to vote now.

  • Casimir%s's Photo

    1. Would a Christian be strongly in favor butchering infants? Would a Christian demand "Change!" without specifying what, exactly, needs changing? Would a Christian push, essentially, socialist doctrines on an unsuspecting country?
    2. Obama also supports assorted evil things, outlined above. Reagan did not.
    3. Next time (well, I'm in Canada, and I turn 18 in March, but we have elections every week here it seems). Why not? It's not like our one vote can suddenly make BOTH Obama and McCain lose (sigh....).

    Okay, let's see. I think you've already heard about that one guy who is said to have lived ~ 2000 years ago.
    Let's imagine how what he looked like.
    Long beard, long robe, sandals. Yeah, absolutely thrustworthy, not one doubt about that.
    Well, now let's take a look at what he told the people.
    He told them that the society back then needed change (w00t), that everybody should care for the next one as much as for himself (sounds strangely familiar, eh? almost like the uber-socialistic general health care like it exists in... idk... the Federal Republic of Germany?)
    He told the people to be less egoistic, less acquisitive, less decadent.
    Lemme see... do we have acquisitive behaviour these days? Naaaa, we, of course, don't!
    How could I even think about that for one second? We only have humble and modest christian bank and stock clerks who believe in the christian values and in the evening laugh their asses off about what poor fellas they ripped money off.
    Of course, the bible holds all the answers and even the questions and maybe even an explanation why FUKKIN PARIS HILTON GETS SO DAMN MUCH ATTENTION!!!
    But what about doing a reality check? (ahaha, that felt quite good to use it in this way)
    If you can show me a town anywhere in the US where christianity on it's own defeated, let's say,
    - the communism
    - al-quaeda
    - the peoples fear of being poor
    - the poverty itself
    - jobless
    - social injustice
    and last, but not least, George W. Bush,
    then, and only then, I will officially be sitting down on my butt and praying to the flying spaghetti monster or who the hell.
    Over and out
  • marsh%s's Photo
    My school had a "mock" vote today.Obama won 53% Mcain 47%
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    ^Amazing. My school did the same thing. Obama won with 53%, and McCain 46%. Now the McCain lovers are going to be angry... 8@
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    same with mine; McCain had 330-something, Obama had 270-something. what do you expect - its Missouri.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Those fucking rural areas
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    Hey, is anyone else glued to CNN right now?
  • JJ%s's Photo
    no. I am glued to BBC :p
  • riven3d%s's Photo
    im not gonna waste my time. The newspaper will tell me in the morning. or I will see it on yahoo before I goto bed
  • JJ%s's Photo
    it's better than sleeping :p

    aww and it sucks that i as non amerian care more than you riven as an american :-;


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