Music Forum / Album Cover Design

  • inVersed%s's Photo
    Hey i haven't been posting hear that much lately, just been so busy with school, sports, and rapping. In fact it seems like whenever I have free time on the computer i listen/write/record music or just mess around on facebook. But i have been playing a little bit more RCT recently.

    Anyways, I have been working on a hip hop album titled Revolution, The Death of R.Wheelz and I realized that I have yet to come up with the artwork for my album cover. Personally, I'm pretty bad at Photoshop and I have seen some of the logos, photos, and PS pieces that have been done here, and I wonder if anyone could help me out by making the artwork for the album?

    It really doesn't matter what style of art the album uses, but I would like it to capture the dark, underground, gritty and disturbed style of the album. When you think of this album don't think of like the mainstream, top 40 rap stuff you hear on the radio. The sound includes much grittier instrumentals with a lot of violin, acoustic guitar, and piano loops and samples with dark and disturbed rap lyrics.

    The album title comes from the fact that my stage name is Revolution. I came up with the name Revolution off the notion that the best way to succeed against the pressures society puts in front of us, whether it be to conform or go against a core belief, is to fight. Not necessarily to fight with fists and weapons, but through whichever outlet/form of expression we are good at individually, mine being through Hip Hop. "The Death of R.Wheelz" refers to the collapse of my old rap personality, R.Wheelz, who encompassed everything in rap that I have grown to hate. Thus, the album captures, through song and some thematic sequences, the rise of revolution and the fall of R.Wheelz. I think it would be interesting to possibly see this "Death of R.Wheelz" captured literally in the album or perhaps in a more abstract way, i don't know.

    For more of an idea about the album, here's a tentative track-listing.
    "The Art of Revolution [Intro]", "The Portrait", "World on Fire", "I Don't Wanna Be Right", "Remember the Girl", "Fist Up", Untitled [Interlude], "Drift Away", "Take A Look", "My Friends Are My Enemies", "Corruption", "This Is The Struggle", "The Letter [Outro]"

    The key themes of this album are: life, death, depression, drug abuse, anger, sin, art, struggle, morals, revolution, conformity, non-acceptance (damn, this album sounds emo haha)

    Thanks in advanced for the help.

    Edited by inVersed, 04 March 2009 - 07:27 PM.

  • robbie92%s's Photo
    I can't do photshop well, but this sounds really interesting. Promise to keep us posted or post some tracks up when you're done?
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    Hmm... I like doing artwork for my half-band (Blak Smith). (We like the classic metal sounds of bands like Judas Priest, Van Halen, Queensryche, etc.) I'll post my two album covers tomorrow. I'll prewarn you though, they're hand-drawn, but I think they're pretty good.
  • RRP%s's Photo
    I wouldnt worry to much about photoshop its all about the idea.Maybe just a photograph of some ink in the shape of a tombstone then reversed (white ink on black)
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    i like the way you have structured your album well, i like your concepts aswell (not that i agree with them) but it shows a reflective attitude. it does to me anyway. and i like that.
    when i think revolution, i think (six flags magic mountain :p) the russian revolution, so the hammer and sickle may be a major theme in the artwork.
    are you planning on artwork within that little book thing in the front cover?
  • Daisy%s's Photo
    Where I work we specialise in this kind of thing so get in touch if you'd like to run some ideas with us: or PM me and we'll have a chat.

    I mostly only deal with web projects but there are two graphic designers (Aaron and Nicole) that always have kickass ideas.

    Edited by Daisy, 05 March 2009 - 01:07 PM.


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