Ask the Experts / First Question

  • RossRct%s's Photo
    Hello guys I came across this forum while searching the net for help with a problem I have came across.

    The problem is I have created a Scenario, it took me little over 3 month. When I try to play it I get a access violation error and it shuts my RCT 2 Down is there away I can fix this with out re-building the park.

    Hope You guys can help, Ross (Cool Forums ill be sticking around)
  • Cena%s's Photo
    The park is still in the scenario editor, and when you save it / open it to play as a park you get the crash?

    If that is the case, try to check if every standerd theme tab, has atleast one object in it, if one theme tab doesn't have objects, you get this error trapper.  
  • JoeZia%s's Photo
    Only certain things can cause error trappers, usually because of trainer use. What trainer / utility are you using and what trainer /utility action seems to be triggering it? you have to pay attention to patterns such as this.

    If you arent using trainers / utilities it also could be because of something weird like what happens to me: Whenever i build a twister roller coaster and make a launch lift, I usually get error trappers. though that condition seems to only happen with me.

    Observe the stuff that is going, try to at least guess from what you observe to determine why the error trapper is popping up. When you think you know what is causing it let me know and if your right i should be able to help.

    Edited by JoeZia, 08 April 2010 - 01:33 PM.

  • RossRct%s's Photo
    Exception raised-access violation error

    That is the exact error I get I have stripped it down to the basics i am not using any trainers of anysort this has realy bugged me

    Thanks in Advance Ross
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    welcome to new element, sorry i can't help.
  • JoeZia%s's Photo

    Exception raised-access violation error

    When there is an exeption raised it is usually because the game thinks your trying to break its default limits. There is another type of trapper "integer divided by zero" thats when the game thinks you doing the opposite, such as giving a coaster train "0" or negative number of trains, which is impossible for the game to compute. Your issue could be for alot of reasons..

    A) attempting to raise ride track higher then the game internal limit.
    B) Doing so with land or paths
    C) Raising the number of trains to be waayyy to many.
    D) Doing so with the trains cars.
    E) Doing too many track intersections.
    F) i dont know of any other reasons, all of the above involves using trainers and not being in the scenerio editor. Sorry dude, mabe cena can help.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    i'll say what Cena said, but a little simplified. you know the standard game tabs? the ones which are on every single scenario? such as bushes/fences/buildingblocks/trees etc ? these MUST EXIST when you exit scenario editor. make sure you have one standard object from each folder selected in scenario editor. they are automaticcally assigned to the right folder so you dont have to worry about placement. i hope this helps.
  • RossRct%s's Photo
    Well i may have to count my losses its making me pull my hair out, looking at the quality of this site and parks created i have not lost much i look forward to learning quite abit.
  • JoeZia%s's Photo
    Dude, dont be intimidated by the nice parks here. :D If you stand there and say "OMFDG!!! how'd they get so good? ill never make it!" Don't worry you'll cach up. I gave up parkmaking in like to months of being a member here. Why? because i said to myself: "OMFDG!!! how'd they get so good? ill never make it!" Although i stuck with not being a parkmaker to make objects instead, doesnt mean you have to. Welcome to the jank!
  • RossRct%s's Photo
    Yeah I like to play the parks aswell as build them to add a little more I go through phases to be honest months of making months of playing sure ill find out alot to incorperate into my skills on the game either way :D

  • geewhzz%s's Photo
    what cena said is most likely correct. no idea what JZ is babbling on about.
  • Levis%s's Photo

    When there is an exeption raised it is usually because the game thinks your trying to break its default limits. There is another type of trapper "integer divided by zero" thats when the game thinks you doing the opposite, such as giving a coaster train "0" or negative number of trains, which is impossible for the game to compute. Your issue could be for alot of reasons..

    A) attempting to raise ride track higher then the game internal limit.

    that will just make it go down again

    B) Doing so with land or paths

    same as above

    C) Raising the number of trains to be waayyy to many.

    that will just revert the number of trains back to the highest ammount possible.

    D) Doing so with the trains cars.

    same as aboven

    E) Doing too many track intersections.

    wont cause a error cause there is nothing to error about. could give a white glitch tough

    F) i dont know of any other reasons, all of the above involves using trainers and not being in the scenerio editor. Sorry dude, mabe cena can help.

    cena's answer is probally the solution yes.

    About your problem joe, if you build a twister rollercoaster without a station and close the building monitor it will most likely crash. this is a bug in rct2 ;) .

    there are a few error trappers

    Location Unkown - this means the game can't find what the problem for the error is. this often happens when you try to make things invisble which can't be made invisble. or do other manipulatios on rides which it doesn't recognise or which can't be done because of missing frames etc.

    Acces Violation - that means the game tries to acces a certain address in the memory which can't be accesed. I believe it can happen with the FF methode cause it then has things which aren't possible. and some ride manipulations can cause it. also blackholes and white glitches can cause this error.

    Intege Divided by zero - means a number is divided by zero by the game. and thats not possible. only case I know its happening is when a ride which is on boathire mode is going to crash.

    Windows Unknown Driver - my nightmare. it means the video drivers isn't found by rct2.
  • JoeZia%s's Photo
    ^ i was only saying that stuff out of experiance, though mabe my memory is fuzzy :<img src=:' />

    your always right anyhow, being serious.
  • Cena%s's Photo
    Pfff ... I posted the possible solution (99% sure) and then this. Wow. 

    JoeZia, this is before your time, but Levis has instructed many people on what are the right solutions for problems, those people know the solutions which work most of the time. When someone like you who is relative new here, starts interrupting with topics like these, the wrong information is being told again, and then wrong solutions are being told later, that way the real information on how to solve 'RCT' problems get lost. So please not only for you, but also for the rest of the board and the RCT community, try to stay out of topics like these. Nothing against your personally JoeZia, but leave the problem solving to others. 
  • Levis%s's Photo

    Pfff ... I posted the possible solution (99% sure) and then this. Wow. 
    JoeZia, this is before your time, but Levis has instructed many people on what are the right solutions for problems, those people know the solutions which work most of the time. When someone like you who is relative new here, starts interrupting with topics like these, the wrong information is being told again, and then wrong solutions are being told later, that way the real information on how to solve 'RCT' problems get lost. So please not only for you, but also for the rest of the board and the RCT community, try to stay out of topics like these. Nothing against your personally JoeZia, but leave the problem solving to others. 

    and you are complaining people ask to much of you?

    JoeZia -> Cena is partly right, its not good if false information is spread. but dont try not to solve it. just be sure that what you say is right. as a more experienced member here you should know how to search the forum and should be able to find the solution for most problems in another thread also. its not bad if you just post a link to that thread or copy the answer here. and if you think you remembered the answer you can always post it. but just be aware I dont like wrong answers ;) .
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    Phil, Curtis,

    can someone please put a leash on my fellow countrymen?
  • Levis%s's Photo

    Phil, Curtis,

    can someone please put a leash on my fellow countrymen?

    sorry mark. think there is a translation problem here now. I want to say he did it right but has to watch he doesn't spread false info.
  • Cena%s's Photo

    Phil, Curtis,

    can someone please put a leash on my fellow countrymen?

    Wat heb ik nu weer verkeerd gedaan? Ik probeer hier ook maar gewoon te helpen en meer niet, dat mijn Engels minder goed is en dat hier vervolgens nog is dyslexie over heen komt kan ik zelf weinig aan veranderen direct denk ik. Tuurlijk probeer ik mijn Engels wel te verbeteren, maar meer als dat kan ik ook niet doen. Een beetje medeleven voor een behulpzaam iemand mag ook wel getoond worden denk ik. Maar als jij (Evil WME) het zo graag wilt in goed Engels, mag jij wel telkens de oplossingen aandragen hoor, dan merk je denk ik wel hoeveel tijd het af en toe kost om iets uit te leggen. 

    *Excuse me for the dutch part guys, but apparently he doesn't like my English, so I will talk into Dutch against him*

    Edited by Cena, 09 April 2010 - 04:27 AM.

  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    against him? isn't that sending the complete wrong message?
  • Cena%s's Photo
    No it isn't. 


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