General Chat / Dreams

  • That Guy%s's Photo
    So I had an interesting dream last night (The sleeping kind) I've only had it once before, and it's still just as scary now as it was when I was 5.
    I think I must be sleeping with my eyes open when it happens, because the dream tends to take place on my ceiling, and the details are still trickling away every minute and I can barely remember what made it such a stressful dream now.

    Apart from that type, there's half awake dreams, where I wake up in the middle of the night but the dream still keeps going.
    Or when I can't fall asleep and my eyes are closed, it's not exactly a dream but the thoughts that go through my head are weird enough to be a dream.

    Anyone else have weird dreams like that? (Actual dreams or types of dreams) It'd be interesting to see.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    you'll find me a deep thinker, and things that typically scare people don't occur much in my dreams. i've had these wierd, surreal dreams where i'll wake up terrified of some wierd stuff. i think the thing i'm most scared of is infinite. there was an episode of torchwood where this guy would be fine wor one hour a day, and for the other 23, he'd scream endlessly, without pause. not wquite infinite, but it may as well be. it really made me uncomfortable. and i've had dreams with simelar connetations.
  • That Guy%s's Photo
    I just remembered a couple more...
    Occasionally my cat will sleep on my stomach during the night, when that happens I'll dream something like being under water and feeling the water pressure on my stomach, or being fastened to the ground by something my stomach. :p

    Another time I must've been dreaming about eating something out of a bag and I woke up suddenly and my hand automatically moved to grab some more "food"
  • Dimi%s's Photo
    I love dreams, I couldn't live without them. I once had a real lucid dream but unfortunately I can't remember it anymore. Sometimes I write my dreams on a piece of paper as it's really funny to read them again after a couple of months. A few days ago I dreamed that I was in the bathroom when suddenly the bath, the shower and all other furniture started to fade away except for the toilet. Slowly the room became grey and full of water and started shrinking.
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    Yeah, dreams are fun. Best thing about them though is that if you think about something intensely right before you go to sleep, you most probably dream about it in some sort of way. Or if something is on your mind or is worrying you you also dream about it in a fantasy-ish way..

    Sometimes I even knew I was dreaming in that dream and was kinda able to manipulate it. Like you think "This can't be real, this must be dream" and it really is a dream..

    I also got a really funny dream a couple of times when I was taking a nap during the day, and suddenly woke up because of a noise or something, and then while becoming in consciousness again I was laughing because of the funny dream :p

    So yeah, dreams are fun. Sometimes not, but then they tell you something that's on your mind or that you'll need to fix..

  • That Guy%s's Photo
    Yeah Six Frags, the ones you can manipulate are by far the best, but by the time I come up with something good I'm conscious again.
  • RRP%s's Photo
    I used to have fairly intense dreams particularly if i went to sleep while high. I don't do that anymore though as i'd sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with terrible paranoia, and on one occasion something strange happened.
    I woke up with with a strange perception of reality. Something which i can only describe as my own version of groundhog day. It felt as if my mind was a 3 minute recorded loop where i couldn't remember anything that had happened previous to those couple of minutes. I don't really dream anymore or at least i can't remember what i've dreamt about. Im assuming thats down to own terrible sleeping pattern of only going to bed when i am completely exhausted.
  • Ozone%s's Photo
    My dreams are usually pretty jacked up.

    I recently had a dream where I was eating with my wife and some celebrity (don't remember who it was) at some expensive restaurant. We thought the celebrity was going to pay the bill, but when it came time he only paid for his own so I was stuck with a $400+ bill for dinner. I left a $50 tip and the waiter was obviously unimpressed and a jerk about it.

    In the dream we walked outside of the restaurant and there were tons of impoverished people, but they were all nice and happy in comparison to the rich snobs. In my dream I respected the poor homeless people and didn't want to be like the rich people...

    My dreams are trying to teach me lessons!
  • gir%s's Photo
    During the school year, as pathetic as this is, I'll have "nightmares" where I sleep through my alarm and don't wake up to take a test. I recently had a dream that I was at Chuck E Cheese, the night after I had just gone there for a birthday party.

    The most curious dream I've had was in Spanish. I had just gone to Chick-Fil-A to get a sandwich and when I came back there was a homeless woman at my door. We proceeded to converse in Spanish and I ended up giving her my sandwich.

    Edited by gir, 05 May 2010 - 07:16 PM.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    As for bad dreams, I'm often in a situation where I'm in an amusement park or somewhere I've been waiting forever to see and only have one chance to go to and something gets in the way or takes me away to do something mundane and I miss what I want to do. The worst part is that I feel like I really badly want to go there but I can't express/communicate it to the people/things taking me away, or they just don't listen.

    that guy, you were talking about how just before you fall asleep you think of such weird things that its like a dream. when I'm not falling asleep, I just close my eyes and try and look at all the things I can think at and that makes me fall asleep.

    I used to have dreams almost every night where I would be disabled in some way. Usually my eyes were just really squinted and blurry and it was near impossible to do things, but sometimes I couldn't talk (one time a burglar took my cat away and I couldn't scream or run to catch him), or I would be stuck in a confined space with something like a tornado coming towards me. I don't really get these anymore though.

    Any psychologists in here? :D

    Edited by Cocoa, 05 May 2010 - 08:16 PM.

  • That Guy%s's Photo
    ^^ Pretty much everyone has had a school dream at some point, not weird at all. :)

    EDIT: Cocoa, I have a lot of those dreams too, where something bad is happening and you can't yell for help or anything. About 10 years ago I remember having those all the time, usually taking place with some sort of monster I imagined, and I couldn't run fast, or yell at all, just the slightest sound would come out.

    More recently I've been much more serious with sports (Soccer a.k.a football in this case) and now that I mention it, I remember a couple of dreams regarding them.

    One was that I was guess-playing for a team in the World Cup, and as soon as I got subbed in a ball flew towards me and I "reacted" and caught it with my hands, which lead to getting a Red Card.

    The more common ones are being in a generic game and falling down all over the fucking field, kicking the ball incredibly weak, and then falling down when I try to kick it again. 8@

    Edited by That Guy, 05 May 2010 - 08:23 PM.

  • RRP%s's Photo
    Ive just remembered a frequent dream dream i used to have when i moved into my last house. For some reason i was always sat in an empty room (the house was empty when we moved in) watching a tv, and the room would get longer and longer. It used to freak me out
  • Howl%s's Photo
    Once I had a dream that I don't quite remember what happened in it, but I do remember after it finished there were... end credits, like in a film (though they were very blurry and I couldn't read who directed or has written my dream).

    Oh, and when I was small I had a half-asleep dream about a huge, human-sized grasshopper sitting on the wall in my room, and I called my dad and of coure he found there nothing.

    Edited by Howl, 06 May 2010 - 05:11 AM.

  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    last night i dreamed that my sister told me she was pregnant.

    so i was unconsciously mad and easily annoyed with her all day today, even though it obviously never happened lol.

    oh, and when i was a little kid, i had a dream that there was a toilet in front of me.
    so i pissed all over the bed.

    that only happened once, but its pretty funny to think of lol
  • Themeparkmaster%s's Photo
    Out of all the nightmares I have ever had the one that used to freak me out the most and recurred the most often involved me staring into complete whiteness and a tiny black dot would very slowly and silently drift around the white space bouncing off the edges. For some reason I would feel completely helpless and petrified.

    I used to have this dream a lot when I was younger but haven't had it for at least 6 or 7 years now. Strangely my brother also has this dream.
  • Chocotopian%s's Photo
    I tend to move about while I'm dreaming and sometimes the consequences get incorporated into the dream. For example, I was dreaming that I was in a field with my friends when I felt a pain in the back of my head. I turn around and see that my friend has punched me (he's still holding his fist out). But when I woke up, I actually did have a pain on the back of my head - I'd banged my head while moving around in the night and the dream tried to give it some meaning.
  • Splitvision%s's Photo
    I had an interesting "feature" while dreaming the other day. I don't remember the exact contents of it but I remember dreaming a short "scene" which at first didn't make sence at all, there was something about an elevator, I think. Then lots of other stuff happened, and eventually the dream led to the elevator scene again, this time it made sence since it was in a context. So I basically dreamed a short trailer of a random snippet of a dream that I was about to dream.

    I've also woken up once from a dream, hungover or still a bit drunk, but the dream went on until I took a deep breath. That was pretty unpleasant because I dreamt someone was screaming like if he/she had broken every bone in the body or something.

    But the coolest dream I've had must have been when I dreamt that I had met a person which was, in lack of other words, my soulmate. We had just met but we were in deep conversation, close to each other (it was a chick) and we were absolutely fascinated by each other, and in the dream both knew that it would last forever. I don't think it was love, we just understood each other at the deepest level possible, it was quite an incredible, tangible feeling considering it wasn't real. The dream went on for a very long time and we were just sitting on a floor talking the whole time. That was awesome.
  • Wanted%s's Photo
    I have had some TERRIFYING nightmares.

    In one dream my dad and I were driving along a sea cliff and we went over the edge and landed in the water. We had to get out of the car while we went deeper and deeper into the ocean. When we got out we were surrounded by sharks so we had a decision to make. Get eaten by sharks or drown ourselves. We decided to drown ourselves and right before I ran out of breath I woke up and I was sweating like CRAZY. It was like I was just swimming in the ocean...
  • Dimi%s's Photo
    My best friend was once eaten by a shark in a dream some years ago. My last nightmare was about little spiders coming out of the bath via the sewer system, then they started to grow and became huge hairy monsters. They had more than eight legs, white teeth and many eyes. They also killed my family and pushed in a corner before they ate me. I always wake up before I get killed in a dream though. Normally I'm not scared of spiders but I hadn't been in shock so hard for a long time.
  • MF72 %s's Photo
    I had this one really weird dream once. I had brought my PS3 and games to a house where we had this party. We were about to leave when I realized my games had gone missing. Turns out they were all floating on this half cloud/half rock thing and was floating away from me. I was following it along this rocky terrain area, eventually coming upon a blue tarp. I lifted it up only to find broken CDs and tons of spiders. I then trekked back to the house we were at and slammed the door open. Turns out however, that the cracking noise I heard from opening the door was actually a shelf in my room collapsing from the wall. It was so weird because it sounded like I actually broke the door or something.

    I also have these other two weird dreams that I have some what frequently. They are the simplest dreams ever, yet I get extremely freaked out when I have them. One of them was that I was in this large room. There was this never ending bouncing boulder that would bounce back and forth off the walls, floor, and ceiling. The only safe spot was this small slit in the wall, however, I couldn't fit and was in an endless room of terror. The other weird one was where I had asked for this small TV at a concert (not sure why exactly) and I had received a humongous one, one that filled the whole concert area. I am still not sure why that freaks me out. It just does.


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