General Chat / The cult of apple

  • fraroc%s's Photo

    This pretty much proves that Apple is a CULT
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    get out more.
  • Lowenaldo%s's Photo
    i would actually love to have a security system like that, dont see how that makes apple a cult.
  • ACEfanatic02%s's Photo

    This pretty much proves that Apple is a CULT

    I do not think it means what you think it means.

    Also, I find it mildly ironic that you posted a link to an MSN article.

  • Utktrumpet22%s's Photo
    This makes Apple a cult how? I'm interested in an explanation.
  • fraroc%s's Photo
    they are trying to control what Iphone users do.
  • RRP%s's Photo

    they are trying to control what Iphone users do.

    dont buy one then
  • verti%s's Photo
    Apple is overrated. The only big quality they have is their PR-machine.
  • postit%s's Photo
    My MacBook Pro can run Windows XP (allowing me to play RCT) and OSX. That flexibility makes it a lot more appealing than a PC. Also, it survived a freshman year beer explosion debacle. As far as I'm concerned, I have no problems with Apple computers. iPods and shit, though, that's a rip off. They do have quite an image now, but to be perfectly honest, I like my computer because of its functionality and superiority over any other machine I've used.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    i have never owned an apple product. not because i don't want to or i'm a whiney fan boy or anything, i've just never had the chanc.
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    Apple is a very good compagny if you ask me,

    I have an Ipod nano and have always been very happy with it and my old one even survived a freakin drycleaning accident^^

    also my borther has an Ipod Touch and a macbook pro, and on both of those aswell as my little Ipod Nano all their screen are a very high resolution for the size in inches so the pictures are always displayed in hd quality so thats one thing I really like with apple, also the cool gimmick stuff you can do with their touchmouse tech is really cool...
  • verti%s's Photo
    I've been disappointed with Apple for quite some time and for pretty damn good reason, if you ask me.

    After having bought a brand new iMac for the purpose of graphic editing, I decided to start it up, and play around a little. I installed Photoshop, booted it up, a friend called, asked me over for lunch. When I came back, the damn thing was so screwed up that I had to take it back to the store, find out it was a manufacturer error, and waited 3 months for it to come back. Now, that's a bit long considering I was planning to use it for business purposes. Meanwhile, no replacement or anything.

    So, I get it back, plug it back in, reinstalled Photoshop, opened it.. And the same thing happened.

    I've claimed my money back and bought a real computer. Never had a similar problem with it.

    EDIT: As for their 'gimmick' items (iPad, iBook, iPod, iPhone, iCare), none of it is anything new. You can find better items at cheaper prices that were made before Apple ever drew up a concept. As I said, it's only their marketing campaigns that are the real genius.
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    "company that makes good products"
    "good company"
    should not be confused for one another.

    Personally apple products do very little for me besides look pretty. There are a great many people who benefit from using apple and are better off than with other products- I am simply not one of them.
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    Hi guys. If you want to make good use of that 200$ investment called an iPhone, I suggest you Jailbreak.

    If youd dont want to and are stuck on AT&T, get the HTC Aries instead. Running Android.

    Jailbroken Iphone>Android.
  • That Guy%s's Photo
    Wow!!@@!! I totally didn't see a Mac vs. PC war coming!


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