General Chat / My Logos

  • MistaDice%s's Photo
    hmm the lion ist from a font and the cranberrys from deviantart.. the skulls were from free vectors... so what is your problem

    my girlfriend works as media designer so we have photoshop here at home in original...

    so verti, what is your problem, i never tried to hide a watermark!!! >anywhere there you will find the skulls for free >under esoteric anywhere you will find the lion

    verti, dont be scared, you are a better logo artist then me so there is no reason to attack my work :bandit: LOL

    i have to prove nothing, ok! But it would intrest me where you got the mask from in the Inyoni Logo? You create everything there? then you have my respect, i cant create masks, skulls or lions, and because of that i use fonts brushes etc. But you attack me because you are scared that the people like my logos more then yours, right?! hmm i think you are better design is my hobby not my work!
  • verti%s's Photo

    hmm the lion ist from a font and the cranberrys from deviantart.. the skulls were from free vectors... so what is your problem

    Provide links.

    so verti, what is your problem, i never tried to hide a watermark!!!

    You've used 3 images from shutterstock where there's artefacts around the area the watermark was. You've used a photograph which was never yours, nor public domain. Using these images is quite simply illegal; that's my problem. >anywhere there you will find the skulls for free >under esoteric anywhere you will find the lion

    I can't find either one. Vecteezy does list those skulls under their 'sponsored links' though, as pay-for-use images. Specific links or nothing, thank you.

    verti, dont be scared, you are a better logo artist then me so there is no reason to attack my work :bandit: LOL

    I don't get 'scared' by you, sorry. I get highly annoyed that people think they can use the internet as their own personal stock bank. Should you actually sell this work, god forbid, I'd suggest you contact any previous clients of yours, explain you're a thief and provide a refund, because you're in for an ungodly amount of compensation claims if people use your work commercially.
  • MistaDice%s's Photo
    ARE YOU CRAZY?? i am sorry for the cranberries but i find them in google without watermark and thought its ok to use them. The skulls were free and the rest of this graphic i create it alone!! The lions was free too so i can use it! Where is the problem?

    I am a strictly ,muslim so i will never steal deliberately!

    The lion is the K there open your eyes.

    The cranberry without watermark.. dont know if it find it on google or on deviantart.


    and the skulls i dont find them now but i find them for free too, i swear you! And now let me do my hobby and create logos!!!! BYE
  • 5dave%s's Photo
    Calm down guys.
    As long as he doesn't make money with copyrighted stock images I see no problem with this.

    Please MistaDice apply for logo creator and don't create logos for parks that don't exist at all, use the time to make logos for NE instead! :)

  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    verti, not making money of something = not being able to get sued for copyright.
  • verti%s's Photo

    verti, not making money of something = not being able to get sued for copyright.

    Err, no. If I steal your couch but don't sell it to anyone, it's still illegal. The act of stealing is illegal.

    Trust me, I know my way around image copyright law; I've been working as a freelances for a good enough amount of time.
  • RRP%s's Photo
    royalty free?

    Eitherway i hate paid for stock sites.

    If you want a photograph,pay a photographer.
    If you want a illustration, pay a illustrator.

    Stock sites should be free where people just share their work imo. When you pay a designer,photographer,illustrator etc you pay for their personal input,decision making,thought and ideas. You dont pay them to say 'Heres one i made earlier,use that'
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    @verti, what he^ said.
  • verti%s's Photo

    royalty free?

    Eitherway i hate paid for stock sites.

    If you want a photograph,pay a photographer.
    If you want a illustration, pay a illustrator.

    Stock sites should be free where people just share their work imo. When you pay a designer,photographer,illustrator etc you pay for their personal input,decision making,thought and ideas. You dont pay them to say 'Heres one i made earlier,use that'

    It's royalty free, meaning after you've bought a license for the image, you can use it any which way you want without needing to pay anything extra or even provide credit. Doesn't mean you can just grab it, though. :)

    I can sort of see your point with the rest of the post, but I do see the need for sites like this. To give you an idea; a photographer may well charge up to a couple of hundred bucks to take a specific picture. If for just a few bucks, you can get something close to it, that's much more economical for the client. Furthermore, speed is of the issue: A lot of newspapers/magazines/websites have subscriptions to stock websites. They use the images for things like editorials.

    chorkiel: RRP just gave his opinion. Last time I checked, his opinion wasn't the law. :|
  • RRP%s's Photo

    It's royalty free, meaning after you've bought a license for the image, you can use it any which way you want without needing to pay anything extra or even provide credit. Doesn't mean you can just grab it, though. :)

    I can sort of see your point with the rest of the post, but I do see the need for sites like this. To give you an idea; a photographer may well charge up to a couple of hundred bucks to take a specific picture. If for just a few bucks, you can get something close to it, that's much more economical for the client. Furthermore, speed is of the issue: A lot of newspapers/magazines/websites have subscriptions to stock websites. They use the images for things like editorials.

    chorkiel: RRP just gave his opinion. Last time I checked, his opinion wasn't the law. :|

    Ye its only my opinion.If only i was judge dredd


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