General Chat / League of Legends?

  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    does anybody play it or am i wasting my time?

    for those who haven't played it but played games such as strategy games like starcraft I, encourage you to download it (it's free)and try it out. It's kind of like starcraft yes but you control one champion in a 5v5 or 3v3 match.

    It's currently the number 2 most popular PC game with #1 being WoW. It replaced starcraft 1 in the World Cyber games.

    Basically the game is a descendant of DotA:allstars (a custom game map in warcraft 3) which came off of DotA the orginal which came off another custom game map in starcraft 1. Since the creation of DotA:allstars 3 similar games have been made or are in the making with game developers that worked on DotA:allstars.

    one developer is still working on DotA: Allstars while making DotA 2 with valve.

    another went to blizzard trying to publish DotA as League of legends promising that it will be one of the best games that blizzard had to offer. blizzard declined and the developer landed at riot games which is absolutely famous now because of league of legends.

    the third is the least played probably it does still have a big player-base. It shares less characterstics with league of legends and more with DotA. The reason for it's smallest player-base is because it is a pay to play game.

    Anyways i'm just babbling here but I encourage all of you guys to check it out. you guys really won't regret it. currently there is a EU server and a north american server. I am sure the company is going to expand to Korea and such. I know for a fact it'd be a huge hit over there as well.
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    You sir, are wasting your time ;)
  • RRP%s's Photo
    I dont see the appeal.Looks like a dumbed down strategy game crossed with a dumbed down hack & slash rpg
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    LoL is dumbed down DotA and HoN are complicated as hell.

    LoL is pretty simple but it's still complicated that new people get often fraustrated and leave the game.
    There are MUST responsibilites you must keep in each game.

    -you must not feed the other team (die numerous times without getting any kills in return giving the enemy free gold allowing them to get "fed" and get items that will destroy you and your team)

    -you must call mia (or missing in action) because let's say you are in a lane alone and there are 3 enemy champions missing from the map. If they all come to "gank" (gang up and kill you) mia's alert you there are missing champions.

    -there are multiple roles entrusted to each champion and the champions are made to fit the following purposes.
    Carry: must "carry" the team and destroy the other team (the damage dealer)

    Tank: He must protect the precious carry and allow him/her to do damage. So the tank is often outfitted with skills to "initate" or start a fight. Such as a stun, slow, silence(doesn't let targeted to use any skills for a designated amoount of time)

    Support: As the name suggest she supports the team. She does not gain much gold during the game therefore does not get any last hits(AI-controlled minion waves that you must get the last hit on to get gold) supports are often outfitted with a shield/heal skill.

    AP caster: A champion who deals magical damage. Some ap casters are carries. They deal high amounts of upfront damage which means most of their damage comes from their skills and almost none from their physical attacks. They do incredible amounts of damage in a very short amount of time. They are fragile like carries and lack turret killing power though. Theoir role is to kill the other team's carries
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    Junglers: they don't start in the lanes fueled by ai-controlled minions. A jungler is a champion who starts directly in the jungle filled with neutral ai controlled minions these champs are mostly offtanks(semi tanks that can deal more damage than a tank and also be durable like one) they often gank enemy champions that are low health or are too far in enemy territory. The benefits of a jungler is another solo other than mid lane. It means these champs dont share minion exp an not compete for last hits with your laning partner. How complicated LoL gets is completely dependent on your allies and enemies skills. Some people have a premade team of 5 people on skype doing complex tricks and moves. But really I've not even covered half the basics of this game only way to see how addictive it is to give it a try


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