Custom Scenery Exchange / B&M supports

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    Would somebody be so kind to give my all the B&M supports.
    Or name a park that has all the supports ,i don't believe i have em all and because of that i'm having trouble supporting my coasters.
    I am wondering if there are base 1 & 2 supports since mine start from 3.
  • Corkscrewy%s's Photo
    I'm pretty sure every park has them. haha Just download the first park on the page i'm positive gijssie1234 used them in that park.
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    I'm pretty sure every park has them. haha Just download the first park on the page i'm positive gijssie1234 used them in that park.


    I have downloaded several parks ,including the one from gijssie1234 and maybe i'm to nitpicky ,but i'm looking for the smallest base support that's available .Like said: the ones i have start from base 3.
    I don't know if they come smaller then that.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    If you want the original versions before the terribad Large Object versions were introduced, look at the first few RCT2 designs to ever use them. Somewhere in the vicinity of Formula-1 I think. Should have the entire original 52-piece set.

    EDIT: Blue Thunder was the first.
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    If you want the original versions before the terribad Large Object versions were introduced, look at the first few RCT2 designs to ever use them. Somewhere in the vicinity of Formula-1 I think. Should have the entire original 52-piece set.

    EDIT: Blue Thunder was the first.

    Ok ,i'll check it out.

    What's so bad about the LS supports, i've used those as well to save room in the SS category. You can see them at my kiddycoaster.
    The only problem with those is that they form ghostobjects rather quickly. But there are tricks to avoid that.

    Few minutes later....

    You the man Ling, i got some new ones that i didn't have.
    There not the ones i looked for specifically ,but the ones i have received as new ones will come in handy for sure.
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo
    Son Of Kumba has the shortest supports, if you still need them ;)
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    Son Of Kumba has the shortest supports, if you still need them ;)

    Thank you.

    I'll check it out.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    The "official" sets of B&M supports, in addition to the ghosting, don't include a few of the pieces I like to use. They're also way more glitchy. And it seems impossible for me to avoid ghosting for some reason.
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    The "official" sets of B&M supports, in addition to the ghosting, don't include a few of the pieces I like to use. They're also way more glitchy. And it seems impossible for me to avoid ghosting for some reason.

    When i use the LS B&M supports ,then i start zero clearance absolute and build the support from the ground up with shift.
    I know you must not drag them up or down with shift, then it fucks up the entire support.
    But if they are more glitchy (i haven't noticed yet).
    Then i won't use them anymore in the future, cause i hate glitches.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    It's not "Shift" that does it. If you drag the item through ANY other object, using Shift, Ctrl, or neither, it will create at least one ghost. So if you slip up and click one too far, you can get two in the middle of a ride, have to delete the ride, delete the other supports, place the LS support again, delete it, place it again, delete it again, then restart from the beginning. It's entirely not worth the hassle, in my opinion.
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    It's not "Shift" that does it. If you drag the item through ANY other object, using Shift, Ctrl, or neither, it will create at least one ghost. So if you slip up and click one too far, you can get two in the middle of a ride, have to delete the ride, delete the other supports, place the LS support again, delete it, place it again, delete it again, then restart from the beginning. It's entirely not worth the hassle, in my opinion.

    That's also what i meant.
    Not able to drag trough an item.
    I haven't had much hassle from it, but the kiddyride supports also weren't that difficult.
    I'll probably won't use them after this park anymore.
  • Tolsimir%s's Photo
    just zero clearence your track in the edit rides window and your objects wont glitch anymore ;-)
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo

    just zero clearence your track in the edit rides window and your objects wont glitch anymore ;-)

    Thanks, that's a good idea :).


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