Custom Scenery Exchange / First attempt at recolorable tree

  • render8%s's Photo
    Hey everyone. Spent the better part of the last day working on this one to see how I could match up some tree renderings with RCT2 graphics. A lot of frustration trying to get this point, but I think for the most part, I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Figured for all the work, may as well share with you guys.

    In the picture, the tree is pretty well all along the basic path and the two trees up on the raised land. You pretty well know what the other trees are. Mostly added the default trees to see how my new tree would fit with them.

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    This colorable tree is a full tile tree and is rotatable. Hope you guys like, but if you have some honest feedback on how you think I could better up my trees for future reference, I'd love to hear.

    For anyone remotely curious how this was done, none of the tree was hand drawn. It originally started out as 3D then heavy editing in photoshop.

    This is what it looked like after a test render.

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  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    You need to be able to color the trunks, as well.
  • render8%s's Photo
    See, and I thought about that too. I wasn't sure if that was something I should have done or not since when I first thought about trees being recolored, I just thought about different color leaves. Well, I suppose it would be a fairly easy fix. Thanks for the thought! ;)
  • AvanineCommuter%s's Photo
    That's not bad but there could be some improvements in the shading. It looks a bit too flat, some more contrast in te leaves would help. Also you should think about getting rid of some of the lower leaves to expose the trunk more, and make the trunk thicker.
  • posix%s's Photo
    The detail that is lost due to the resizing is too great and the features of the tree when seen in-game are completely lost as a result. To avoid this problem, I suggest you need a lower degree of fineness and fewer but more prominent features of the tree.
  • render8%s's Photo
    Thanks for the honesty. I know it seems hit and miss with this stuff. One time you do something good, the next it's like MEH. Well, I definitely agree about the shading and detail loss and I will definitely take those ideas into consideration for future stuff. Much appreciated again for the honest feedback. :)
  • robbie92%s's Photo
    It's amazing to see a new member like you come in and not only immediately start working on contributing to the community in a positive manner, but so open to constructive criticism as well. I hope you plan on being here a while.
  • render8%s's Photo
    ^ Well, being able to take constructive criticism has always been an important thing for me. It's really one of the things that helps drive me to do something better next time. As far as jumping right in, this is the kind of thing I've wanted to do with RCT2 ever since I first heard about custom scenery but the means to do it was never there for me. I figure the best way to go about learning it is just do it and learn from the mistakes along the way. As far as sticking around goes, I don't think I'll be stopping anytime soon. I'm really having a too good a time doing this, and I'm not much of a quitter when things don't work out right, so I'm going to keep trying everything I can think of until my brain dries out lol.
  • Corkscrewy%s's Photo
    I agree with posix. Up close its fantastic. But in gme you lose all of those detils you worked so tirelessly on. But I really think you could make some amazing things that we all could benefit from. Your really a breath of fresh air for the site. Can't wait for you to really find yourself in this and pump out some amazing work!
  • render8%s's Photo
    Hello again everyone, just wanted to add a little bit of an update in this thread of some new trees I'm currently working on. The tree differences are pretty subtle, but this is actually two different trees which are full tile and rotatable. Not sure yet if I want them to be recolorable, just yet, but I might add that later. There's no release of these just yet as I'm working on a complete tree and bush theme which will have it's own tab as well.

    I actually tried my best to take advice from the previous comments about loss of detail and trying to thicken up the trunk of the tree a little. A lot of experimenting here and trial and error, but I really think I'm making progress here on these.

    I also have some ideas for quarter tile trees as well, as someone before mentioned that would be nice. I'm also thinking of doing some stuff with zero clearance to be able to plant stuff around trees too. I'll just drop in some updates here from time to time, unless someone feels I should just start a new work in progress topic. Once i can get enough content to make worth it, I'll then just release everything at once.

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    I know there's not much to look at, but I guess it's just nice for me to try and see where I stand with things so I can try and improve along the way and make sure I can give you guys stuff you can really use. :)
  • posix%s's Photo
    I think they're still too detailed and look a bit werid and non-RCT-ish as a result. I'd try to imitate RCT's native objects more so they can fit a certain standard and be harmonised into a park.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    This actually looks not that bad! Reminds me of some of the WW trees. Which means you're getting there ;)
  • trav%s's Photo
    Yeah I actually kinda like them
  • render8%s's Photo
    Thank you for the replies, and I will continue working on stuff with suggestions given. I promise I'll just chill out with posting all this stuff so much until I have something more worthwhile and complete. I think I just got a little too carried away too fast. I just get a little obsessive on stuff and don't know when to quit. When I get things more finalized then I'll just make a more organized topic for all this stuff. Thank you so much everyone for putting up with me so far. :p


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