Custom Scenery Exchange / Shops and Stalls

  • render8%s's Photo
    Just a quick question for everyone. Would anyone be possibly interested in new shops or stalls? I haven't made any yet, but I've been kind of tempted to do something along those lines in the near future. Reason I ask is because some of the parks I've looked at around here don't really seem to utilize much in the way of shops, but more scenery and rides, unless I just haven't been around enough. If anything, I'd just do some stuff for practice as I've been pretty interested in learning to make new flat rides and thought maybe I should start small with some basic shops to get my feet wet.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    Something that is easy to build through without clipping is always appreciated. But I think there are quite a few "minimalist" shops already.
  • 5dave%s's Photo
    ^Six Frags made an invisible shop set already. Can't get more minimalist than that.

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    If you don't mind ,then i can make a list for desired objects with examples.
    Just let me know. :)
  • olddtfan51%s's Photo
    If you would like to give them a try , i would love to have some classic monster themed
    shops, like Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman, and the Mummy. let me know if you would like to try them, as i have built a lot of haunted theme parks.
  • render8%s's Photo
    Good to know there may be a need for shops. I haven't really dabbled yet in shop designing, but I'm definitely eager to try it out and teaching myself the ins and outs of the ridemaker program, which isn't too horribly bad, at this point yet.

    @Ling - At the risk of sounding stupid, could you explain what you mean by something easy to build through without clipping. I'm not very advanced in the ways of RCT2, so I wasn't sure if this was something people do to pull off different effects in the game.

    @Arjan v l - I'm assuming you mean a list for desired shops?

    @olddtfan51 - Well, I was going to take some practice shots at doing some types of shops first, just to see how well I can stand up to the challenge. I like that idea though and once I get my head around the whole shop making thing, I will certainly try at specific things like you mentioned.

    The other question I have to is do these shops just need to be for looks or should they actually sell things for the guests? I wasn't sure how many people actually play the game to make guests happy and generate income, or if most everyone here just builds peepless parks for the creativity, if that makes sense. Kind of like making a small scenery object that looks like a shop vs actually making a shop that sells stuff to the peeps.
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo
    Shops are meant to sell stuff yeah. But just concentrate on the looks, because it's really easy to make it sell things with the Object Editor.
  • olddtfan51%s's Photo
    It would't be a bad idea if they did.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    Parks with peeps NEED shops to sell stuff. One aspect of these parks' quality is whether the creator managed to satisfy the peeps sometimes special needs, while incorporating it all into the original park structure itself. If that makes any sense. ;)
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    @Arjan v l - I'm assuming you mean a list for desired shops?

    No , maybe i should have put this in your other topic, but i mean quarter baseblocks in various textures. We have a lot of walls in various textures ,but only a few quarter and full tile baseblocks as well as diagonal full tile or quarter blocks in various textures.
    I think there's a great need for those by several users here. Quarter fences is also the same story, we have a lot of 'normal' fences but not quarter and diagonal quarter.
    Maybe there aren't many quarter diagonal fences as some of them give a glitch, but i don't know for sure if that's the reason.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    What I meant in terms of building through is, you'll notice, when building on the same tile (wall or roof) as a shop (in zero clearance of course), the buildings can clip forcing the player to alter their structure to cater to the shop instead of just making what they originally intended. So something with a low clearance and nothing directly on the walls that would be annoying. The stock restroom stalls are pretty cooperative, you might want to start there (for reference).
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
  • Timothy Cross%s's Photo
    i agree Kevin. that wold b koo. okay then, to add, i want marijuana stalls, beer stalls, wine stalls, a jukebox playing every single RCT song and "My Name is Mud" by Primus, a wig stall for teens to stand there and make fun of baldies, and of course, one of those fortune telling things for stupid people.
    get 2 it.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I badly want a wig stall now.
  • render8%s's Photo
    Haha. Funny. I did kind of laugh at the smoke stall idea. I could see how stall with a dude puffing a smoke on top would look. I like the wig stall idea too.
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    You can walk around with an undisclosed bottle of beer everywhere except for in a nursery, public school, in train cars and busses owned by the Deutsche Bahn or where it is prohibited by special job rules (place where heavy machinery is bein operated e.g.)
    There have been initiatives by cities to ban drinking in public. Those are only the cities that had problems with drunken people (mostly teenagers) in the past, though.
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
  • render8%s's Photo
    Hey kevin, I was just giving you a hard time and didn't mean to put down your idea. It was just a request that kind of caught me off guard though, I must admit. I'll take that idea into consideration though.


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