Custom Scenery Exchange / i need a working datmaker

  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    Does anyone have a working version of datmaker for me?
    Somehow i can't add .dat files or images ,i can only fill in the name for the scenerygroup and that's it. Am i doing something wrong maybe? I've googled it and read a tutorial that i could find, but no luck.

    I hope someone can help me.
  • MikaRCT2%s's Photo
    You have to drag the .dats and images from Windows Explorer (Windows Verkenner ;) ) into the right folder on the DatMaker.
  • Arjan v l%s's Photo
    Thanks Mika, i don't have a decent tutorial for it.
    So i just couldn't figure out what to do.
    But now i do. :)


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