Custom Scenery Exchange / Need help modifying an object

  • IceKnight366%s's Photo
    Hey all,

    I'm trying to modify "A small jet" (*Asjet) by flipping it upside down. This way the water is shooting downward into the ground instead of shooting upward into the sky. Is there any easy way to do this? Since the object already exists and it doesn't need to be made from scratch, I'm hoping it's not too hard.

    Is it possible that someone could please do this for me? Or teach me how?

  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    Copy all the views/frames from the object editor into photoshop-Rotate the image 180 degrees-save as .bmp-in the object editor open all the saved .bmp's in the right views-have all other stuff checked the same as the original jet and save it..

    Would be a tedious process as you need to edit all the frames, but that should do it..
  • IceKnight366%s's Photo

    Copy all the views/frames from the object editor into photoshop-Rotate the image 180 degrees-save as .bmp-in the object editor open all the saved .bmp's in the right views-have all other stuff checked the same as the original jet and save it..

    Would be a tedious process as you need to edit all the frames, but that should do it..

    Thank you so much for replying Six Flags. I was beginning to worry no one would or no one knew how hah. That's really excellent advice. I don't have the money to buy photoshop atm, but maybe I can do a 30 day trial or something.
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    Paint will do the job too, or any picture editing software really..


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