Custom Scenery Exchange / Wooden coaster supports

  • Mattk48%s's Photo
    Hi NE. I was wondering if there is a object out there that could make wooden roller coasters look better.

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    see how small the wood looks. its like tooth picks. in rct the support structures are so big and bulky, it looks bad. So basically what im looking for is thinner more realistic supports.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    You have to build then manually, which is A LOT of work, unless someone makes a new set which is highly unlikely. If you want to see an example, check out Voyager. It's on my profile page, but the wonderful support work is by RRP.
  • Mattk48%s's Photo
    why is unlikely that no one will make a new set. It would drastically change the look of rct woodies
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    It's a lot of work to make a new set and there's no real need for it.
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    I like how the most often used supports in RCT woodies are actualy what the game came with, one of the few NCSO objects left that are still common.


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