RCT Discussion / How did you discover RCT?

  • ida%s's Photo
    Well, basically, the title.

    Back in the days, when i was around 3/4, i used to lend games from the library. And i happened to find RCT2. I absolutely loved the game, and played it every day. Until after three weeks, i had to bring it back to the library. After that, i set out to get enough money to buy the game. Eventually i had, and i bought RCT2 + the Time Twisters expansion. Later on i also got some money from my grandma which i used to buy Wacky Worlds too.

    So how did you find RCT?
  • inthemanual%s's Photo
    Scholastic book fair!
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I guy from across the street owned the game. He told about a McDonald's themed park he made, naming rides after hamburgers and milkshakes. Being a theme park fanatic (at the age of 8 ), and a little hungry too, I had to get that game! And a few weeks later I did, and my life changed forever! When Corkscrew Follies came out, I bought it as soon as I found out. Same for Loopy Landscapes. I remember how pumped I was for RCT2... The teaser screenshots looked so amazing. And the feeling when I finally got that box (games came in a proper box back then) in my hands... Priceless memories.

  • 5dave%s's Photo

    My older brothers found it funny to give rides funny names and kill guests on them. So did I.



  • csw%s's Photo

    Scholastic book fair!


    Exactly this. I had always just built large roller coasters until about a year ago, when I found NE...

  • Roomie%s's Photo

    Back in 1998 i was playing the original Theme Park and late that November i looked to see if there was any new of a sequel coming. Just happened that I was dead on time to read the news of this brand new game RCT.


    Take a look at this.




    The first ever RCT site. The Archived News is a trip down memory lane :)

  • posix%s's Photo

    I remember that site.


    I posted in German on the message board and it turned into a page filling thread called "Translator please!!" :)

  • Faas%s's Photo

    My dad used to play RTS games all the time and I saw him building a rollercoaster once and that got me into the game. 

  • Angroc%s's Photo
    Man. I miss Danimation. Some incredible stuff happened there.
  • ida%s's Photo



    Never expected to ever find something like this. But we're moving Friday and we were packing some books. My mom gave me a book and she was like "hey do you want to keep this?". I opened it, and inside were a bunch of library receipts. And even though receipts are usually useless, i decided to keep them...


    This right here is where i got addicted to RCT, ten years ago:




    I also have another receipt which shows i got a fine for bringing it back too late...

  • G Force%s's Photo
    My aunt and uncle got my the original for Christmas probably in 2001 or 2002, got RCT2 the year after that.
  • Lotte%s's Photo

    Not sure how I discovered the game, the story is probably really lame :p


    I rediscovered it by wasting my life on reddit and thinking "i wonder if there's an rct subreddit", and here we are

  • nin%s's Photo
    Wouter, that's just awesome.
  • chorkiel%s's Photo

    That's really cool, Wouter.


    As far as I know, everyone played the game when I was young. Friends and I have gotten nostalgic over killing peeps more than once. Even when I meet new people and we'd talk about childhood, two things always come up. RCT and Pokemon.

  • RCTER2%s's Photo

    My first RCT1 CD is a pirate version.

    1. I bought it with another game CD using less than 5 dolar in 2000 or 2001.

    2. I was attracted by the beautiful front cover so I decided to buy this one. Unfortunately the front cover has no relationship with RCT, it's totally of another game (until now I don't know what game it is).

    3. When I back to home I found I bought a wrong game and all English, what the fuck! I didn't touch it for about 1 year (and I can't read English at that moment). 

    4. God punish me for using pirate, I lend the CD to a friend and it lost forever.  

    5. I still have the fake front cover which help me discover RCT.

  • FredD%s's Photo

    My friend had it and we played it when I was at his crib. Must have been around 2003 I guess. I immediately got RCT2 myself, only afterwards I discovered there was a previous version of it. That's the reason why I'm not into RCT1 :p  never played it lol. 

  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo

    I played probably a dozen hours of the demo back when my entire gaming life consisted of finding free demos.

  • GigaG%s's Photo

    Sorry for bumping, but I have an interesting story.

    I was a little kid, and I was into roller coasters at the time. I saw RCT2 on a shelf at a store and began to beg my mom to buy it. I believe that my grandma might have convinced her to buy it. I ended up getting all the RCT games eventually.


    I actually got RCTLL last. I got everything in this order-




    -RCT CF/LL


    IDK when I got RCT3 Wild! and RCT1 TT/WW, but it was probably between Soaked and RCT1. Not sure at all, though.


    RCT2 probably also cemented my love for roller coasters in real life. Without RCT2, I probably wouldn't be the obsessive coaster enthusiast that I am today.

  • bigshootergill%s's Photo

    My version was free in a cereal box. I must have got 15 different games from cereal, maybe it was Cheerios. Anyway, I got rid of all the other games long ago, but I've held on to RCT2 ever since. Kept popping it into my computer off and on for years, until about a year and a half ago I discovered rct on reddit and NE shortly after, which has lassoed me into it more than ever! Would have been on the site long ago had I known it existed.

  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo

    Such memories... First off never mind RCT my first experience of rollercoaster games was on like the ps1 with "Themepark" when i was 6 years old back in 1998 then maybe a year or two later we as a family got our first PC :p It was then when I was about 8/10 years old I thought the scenarios of RCT where so hard.... lol, aww good times, I think everyone is with me when I say I wish I could go back and do it all again. No matter how annoyed I was as a 10 year old because I repeatedly tried to beat certain scenarios :p


    Fuck i'm only 23 but still, I look back and think man. Such good times and we all at one time felt the same thing. I love this game in its basic form. Which is pretty special :) 


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