Ask the Experts / 8cars - # of trains

  • jandoa%s's Photo

    Hey guys,


    I'm currently trying to change the number of trains for my log flume ride with 8cars v1.302.

    The log flume itself is once merged with a dingy slide.

    Every time I'm changing the number in 8cars it also changes the number in the game. But as soon as I test or open the log flume-ride it changes back to the default number.

    Does anyone know how to fix this? Has it something to do with the merge beforge?


    Thanks in advance

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    You can't increase them past a certain limit based on the length of the station and/or track. You can increase that limit by using the "8 cars per train" button within the 8cars trainer. You still may not be able to get enough.

  • jandoa%s's Photo

    I tried that, but it won't change the number higher than 11.

    So there isn't any other way for more log flumes? Because it's a pretty long run and with 11 boats peeps will stand there forever.

  • Sephiroth%s's Photo

    The reason is buried somewhere deep within the forums, so you'll have to take my word for it. To have more cars in a train than normal 2 things need to be true:


    1) You need to have the train sitting on the track in-game before going to the trainer and adding cars. i.e. pause the game, put the ride in test mode to make the train appear, then close the ride again and un-pause the game. Then go to 8-cars and adjust the train size/add cars.

    2) The full train still needs to fit in the station after you add extra cars.


    Note that if you make the train "disappear" (by double-closing the ride or entering construction mode for that ride) then the train will go back to it's original length and you'll have to do the hack over again.


    EDIT: I realize I worded this for extending the number of cars in a train, but I would think the same holds true for adding trains, except that point number 2 isn't as strict.

  • jandoa%s's Photo
    Thank you very much, I will try that tomorrow.
  • jandoa%s's Photo

    So thanks again for your answer Sephiroth.


    But I still can't manage to get it to work. Even if the Cars are on the track the game changes it instantly back to max. 5 cars (The station isn't longer).


    Is it possible that I could send the park to someone, so that person could try it? That would be really helpful.

    Or is there any other way that I could try?

  • Sephiroth%s's Photo

    Aw damn. :( Well sorry to hear that, I don't really know another way to get it to work.

  • Otsdarva%s's Photo

    I assume you're using boat hire mode for the log flume because of the merge? If so, the number of vehicles you're getting is because the ride is operating in this mode. For a log flume, the number of vehicles is determined by the length of the ride but since it is a merged ride, then the circuit is not completed and the amount of vehicles is based on the station length. To circumvent this issue, your best option is to use a dummy station. Here's the tutorial: http://www.nedesigns...orial/?p=578020


    Using this method also allows you to create a circular station and this gives the water ride a nice touch of realism. I advise to have at least two station pieces in the dummy track to accommodate at least two vehicles to be in the station at once. This is to prevent a glitch when two loaded boats occupy the station and the boat in the rear cannot unload the passengers causing them to be stuck in the ride.

  • jandoa%s's Photo

    Huh, i tried the Dummy Station, too. It works great in the way that the trains jump onto the merged track, but even there I can not change the number of trains. Starting to think that it has something to do with 8cars' Edit-Ride Menu isn't working properly for me. Even in an circular Log Flume with maximum Station Length the game doesn't let me do more than 12 cars.

    So again, could somebody please look into the park and change the number of trains for me (if it's a 8cars-not-working-properly-thingy)? 

    I would be really thankful, as of right now, this thing kills kind of all the motivation,

  • Stoksy%s's Photo

    How many trains/boats do you want on the ride?


    You have the make the dummy track long enough to hold the number of boats that you want. The dummy track [log flume] needs to have a long enough layout to be able to handle more boats.

  • jandoa%s's Photo

    Ha, thank you so much Stoksy :) My dummy track just wasn't long enough. So I built it a lot longer underground and now I can get up to 30 boats. Thank you so much for the tip.


    Another Question: My dummy station boats now ride on the orinigal merged track. The peeps enter through the dummy entrance and exit thorugh the dummy exit. But it seems that my mechanic can't enter through the dummy exit to fix or check the ride. At least he didn't went there for the 10mins check. 

    Is this normal?

  • Otsdarva%s's Photo

    The mechanic is trying to enter the ride through station's one exit hut. If you're using the two stations method described in the tutorial, then you'll constantly get messages about guests unable to reach the ride because guests will try to enter the ride through station one even though the ride is operable by boarding and unloading on station 2. I don't like the method of using two stations because of that annoying message and the trapped underground mechanic. So instead I like to use just one station for both actual and dummy tracks but that'll require more invisible hacking work.


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