Ask the Experts / Game unstable

  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    Seems like a general issue with RCT2 that it doesn't work too well on new operation systems. I've had it worse on Windows 7/8.1 before, but it is just annoying that the game does crash several times a day, especially during scenario creation. So yeah, just wondering any way to make the game run more stable/let it crash less often? I am currently using Windows 8.1.

  • Mattk48%s's Photo

    I never had a problem on windows 8, although i may be a minority. Currently running windows 10 with no issues. Do you run in windowed mode? May not fix your problem but its worth a shot. I run in windowed mode

  • F0ndue%s's Photo

    Well, I'll try it. Another thing that keeps bothering me is that sometimes after I close the game or go to the desktop there remains a small window of the game, and I cannot use anything besides the task bar anymore (and closing RCT2 in the task bar doesn't help, it changes nothing), and I am forced to restart my PC again. Its really annoying. 


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