RCT Discussion / Waterfalls

  • F0ndue%s's Photo
    So, though I am still working on my big park, I do dabble in some sideprojetcs to hone my skills, and I've been working on this thing:
    Attached Image: SCR66.jpg
    I do not want to talk too much about it, but I am wondering, what do you think is the maximum size (height and width) to pull off an aestehtically pleasing, realistic waterfall? I'm intending to create two waterfalls on each side of that tower, the height ranging from about the elevated land under the launch track. to about the height of the turn. I looked for some inspiration, but I couldn't find any, so feel free to add some suggestions(parks, screenshots,designs, guides)/hints/whatever...
  • inthemanual%s's Photo



    Make them as tall as you want, as long as they're made interesting. A straight drop all the way down is boring, but some cascades, or some other interesting feature can really make any size work.

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Waterfalls work the same way as any other feature in RCT. Imagine the waterfall was a tall building. Would the wall be featureless? Why not? Because it's ugly and boring. That's why you add windiws, balconies and other shit. You can't add windows to waterfalls, but there are other features you can add.
  • Austin55%s's Photo

    Mykeiscool had some nice ones recently as well. 

  • F0ndue%s's Photo
    Thanks for the recommendations! Is Mykeiscool still around? His screens were very promising.


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