(Archive) Advertising District / WW Collabo?

  • California Coasters%s's Photo
    I need permission for a WW collabo from iris first. But just in case, I want to have it! I really want to show what I have to offer just because I am still a little bit new here! (Kinda, Okay, I am exaggurating a little, ALOT.) I have NO time to update my European Expedition park, and I want to show off how good I am, And see what other people can do, so I can get a little inspiration from them too. I am probably gonna get flamed. But I think this is a good idea.

    Who is going to join:
    -MantisFan794-Theme: Atlantis,Tropico Islands-
  • Foozycoaster%s's Photo
    Why do you need permission from iris?

    And by the way, not many people here will see it, being WW and all.
  • California Coasters%s's Photo
    Oh. Sorry then! But does ANYONE want to join? I really want Turtle man to join. It looks as he has the skills!


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