Ask the Experts / Hacked rides not fully testing?

  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo

    Some of my rides never get E/I/N ratings. All the stats come up after one or two circuits, as normal, but the ratings never arrive no matter how many times I cycle the ride. The affected rides are all suffering much lower popularity than expected, which I assume is a consequence of this. All but one of the rides experiencing this problem are merged; all have had some sort of cheat used. Is this a known issue, and is there any way around it?


    EDIT: This is in OpenRCT2. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Must be because of the train not returning to the station, which can happen with certain hacks. A single ride can also hold up the ratings for rides you built/tested after, as the game can only calculate one ride's ratings at the same time and it won't skip a ride if it takes too long. Figure out which ride is your problem.
  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo

    Thanks, this was the cause of the problem. I had placed a ride only for visual effect, and so did not bother to check the ratings, but it had in fact never returned to the station because I messed up a merge somewhere, and this prevented any of the subsequent ratings from being calculated (I was not aware that the game only calculates one at a time). Now all the rides have ratings.

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I really like how the discussions between this new generation of hackers and the established NE members showcase the difference between theoretical knowledge and experience and how they complement each other. Sometimes I get the feeling there is a lot of knowledge out there you and the OpenRCT developers are just ignorant about, and how you folks (well, mostly you) show how the possibilities of the game extend much further than what we already achieved with trainers and hacks.
  • X7123M3-256%s's Photo

    There's plenty I am still ignorant about; I only started using hacks at all when OpenRCT2 came along, because I was never able to get trainers to work. There is much still to learn, but OpenRCT2 exposes the inner workings of the game in a way that just wasn't possible before, so it's now much easier to learn it.


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