Ask the Experts / Architecture

  • Bender902%s's Photo

    Here are some pictures of my architecture. What do think of it? How can I improve it? Any comments are appreciated.
  • posix%s's Photo
    I think it's above average.
    You've chosen eye-pleasing colours and the buildings are well arranged.
    I don't like the straight 2x2 or 4x4 style. Try to make them a little more random or give them some originality.
    One thing I'd never do is putting shrubs or trees on top of roofs unless you have a very jungle-ish theme.
    I've posted something about architecture here if you're interested.
  • RRP%s's Photo
    it looks quite decent but as ive said before pick buildings from the best parks like TH and ure favorite parks and blend the themes and buildings toghether.Also have detail with awnings single squares with path and fences/paths on some.And avoid plants
  • Micool%s's Photo
    It's mildly respectable, though a bit boring. I'm going to repeat this - I believe that in every "section" of architecture there should be something that stands out and makes people go "remember in blah blah, that incredible blah blah..." This is something even the best of parkmakers struggle with. Even Fatha' and Pyropenguin have this problem, even though their architecture is wonderful, there isn't really anything you remember about it.

    With that said, I agree with RRP in that it should have some kind of decoration. Also, try to keep a steady window scheme. But don't avoid plants. Plants are good. Most people don't like them on buildings but I say what the hell.
  • Hevydevy%s's Photo
    It's pretty good. Always stay away from repetitive plants though. They just make everything look bad.

    Hevydevy B)


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