Music Forum / The Mars Volta

  • Chesire%s's Photo
    Well, it came out today, but I still haven't gone to my nearest Best Buy and buy this masterpiece. Although, I do have past live recordings of the songs on their new album and some videos, so I alreayd know what the songs sound like.

    It sounds like heaven. I suggest to you Rush fans to go and get it, just like the new review by said:

    "Utterly spellbinding musicianship, expansive compositions and brilliantly eclectic instrumentation riddle this release and leave the band sounding like some twisted modernized mix of Led Zeppelin, Rush, Pink Floyd and early Santana - without the dated nostalgia."

    Or you can go to their website (The Mars Volta) and go to the "Music" section and listen to Drunkship of Lanterns.

    And for you old ATDI fans (of course you know about The Mars Volta, but just in case) Omar and Cedric are in this band :D

    OH YEAH! BTW...the new The Locust album, Plague Soundscapes, is out today also (which is just fucking great!)
  • Stargazer%s's Photo
    I havn't heard any of their recorded stuff, but live, they were dreadful, I couldn't really hear anything interesting within the wailing guitars and the screaming singer, however the Drummer looked cool and the bassist looked like he had just escaped from Mental Hospital. Compared to the sparkling performance of the Chili Peppers, they were poor.

  • Chesire%s's Photo
    I don't know about their recent performances, but when I saw them, they were great. Was it in a big stadium-type place? Because if it was, then you are probably right. They are a band you should see at a club-type place. Like The Roxy, The Chain Reaction, The Troubadour, etc...

    Giev it a listen (at their site) and maybe you will like it. Since you are a Chili's fan...Flea did the bass on the album :)
  • mantis%s's Photo
    That guy has a cool afro. As for their music I don't think i've heard any, but they were reviewed well in Q.
  • Blitz%s's Photo
    i went to the message board...
    someone there was called blitz. And another person called him blitzy.

    drunkship is well... interesting.
  • Stargazer%s's Photo

    Flea did the bass on the album

    Holy Shit! Really? *Runs to Record Store*

  • Chesire%s's Photo
    Mantis...I suggest giving it a listen or two. If you don't like it, shit happens.

    Stargazer...the reason why The Mars Volta opened for the Chili's was because The Mars Volta is their favorite band (that's what they said).
  • `sfkstyle%s's Photo
    Didn't their keyboardist OD?
  • Chesire%s's Photo
    I am not sure if it was the keyboardist or the person who just make the sound effects, but of them OD'ed.
  • `sfkstyle%s's Photo
    Chris Beiermann claims it was their keyboardist.
    So, yes.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    I heard one of their songs way a long time ago, when the EP came out. All I remember is that I liked Sparta better.
  • Chesire%s's Photo
    /Slaps QOTSA

    Lets not start a The Mars Volta/Sparta flame. I see those tout le temps.

    Whatever, just listen to the damn song that is on their website.

    BTW...Sparta sucks...
  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    BTW...Sparta sucks...

  • Chesire%s's Photo
    Just listen to the song...

    Drunkship of Lanterns
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    I was an At the Drive-In fan myself, and I like Sparta better as well. So sue me.
  • Chesire%s's Photo
    /calling lawyer.
  • Chesire%s's Photo

    Chris Beiermann claims it was their keyboardist.
    So, yes.

    Well...then Chris is wrong. Isaiah Ikey Owens is their current keyboardist. Linda Good was their keyboardist in the fall of 2002, but then after Isaiah came back. So, wasn't the keyboardist. It was Jeremy Ward who OD'ed. He was the sound manipulator for their shows and the Tremulant EP. Sorry.

  • cg?%s's Photo
    Hmm... there are other bands which do what the Mars Volta do, and do it better. Can anyone name them?

    Maybe I will later.

    But really, there isn't a single thing I've heard which made me like them. I especially hate that song you linked to Chesire... yucky.
  • `sfkstyle%s's Photo

    Chris Beiermann claims it was their keyboardist.
    So, yes.

    Well...then Chris is wrong. Isaiah Ikey Owens is their current keyboardist. Linda Good was their keyboardist in the fall of 2002, but then after Isaiah came back. So, wasn't the keyboardist. It was Jeremy Ward who OD'ed. He was the sound manipulator for their shows and the Tremulant EP. Sorry.


    Noh. My frriend tells me useless shit all the time.
    I could care less, actually. :|
  • Chesire%s's Photo
    No worries... I have stupid friends also.

    "But really, there isn't a single thing I've heard which made me like them. I especially hate that song you linked to Chesire... yucky"- cg?

    Dude, you make it seem like I am the anti-christ or something. I just like this band and I wanted to let other people know the new album is out. If you don't like it, well then fuck you. If you do, I love you.


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