Micro Madness 2019 / Bracket Predictions

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    I have seen a few bracket predictions, and thought it would be fun to score them March Madness style. I propose the following rules:

    1.) A correct guess of a player moving on from the first round, regardless of placing within their group, is worth 1 point. 

    Additionally guessing the placing of either player advancing to round 2 is worth 1 point per advancing player.  -Total 64 points

    2.) A correct guess of a player advancing from round 2 to the semifinals is worth 2 points. 

    Correctly guessing the placing of a player advancing to the semifinals is worth 2 points per advancing player. - Total 64 points

    3.) Each correctly guessed finalist is worth 8 points. - Total 32 points

    4.) Correctly guessing the winner is worth 15 additional points. Correctly guessing 2nd place is worth 10 points. Correctly guessing 3rd place is worth 5 points. Correctly guessing 4th place is worth 2 points. - Total 32 Points

    If a tiebreaker appears to become necessary, criteria can be determined for such an occasion prior to the final match.

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    Here's my shot: 
    Attached Image: Capture.PNG

  • In:Cities%s's Photo

    Attached Image: MM3 predictions_josh.jpg



    Mostly just throwing names out there without looking to see who is actually good or not. Sloksy will win.

    Attached Files

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    i'll put my revised one up in a bit, depending on whether i decide shogo is serious about quitting or just being tricky


    ok here it is, may be slightly different than my last one coz i didn't consult it at all when making this one


    Attached Image: mm3predictions.png

  • Recurious%s's Photo


    My prediction, but now with colours!

  • Scoop%s's Photo



    There is my new bracket assuming shogo isn't playing us for fools.

  • 6crazy6king6%s's Photo

    My prediction, if nobody drops out early.



  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    At least somebody has a little faith in me
  • bigshootergill%s's Photo
    Why isn’t my name in anyone’s Finals bracket? :D... I’d like to see someone venture out on a limb with their brackets... seems like pretty safe guesses.
  • dr dirt%s's Photo

    Attached Image: Screen Shot 2019-03-27 at 10.20.19 PM.png

  • Tolsimir%s's Photo

    Of course I'll win


    Attached Image: prediction.PNG

  • Recurious%s's Photo

    Tols your bracket is incorrect. I don't win

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    Dirt, your Semis #2 is stacked.

  • roygbiv%s's Photo

    Attached Image: 444444.PNG

  • Lotte%s's Photo


  • Xtreme97%s's Photo

    Gonna throw in my prediction last minute


    Attached Image: predictions.png

  • Camcorder22%s's Photo

    Wut i swear i posted this here.  


    This is from last Monday in discord if matters lol


    Attached Image: bracket.png

  • AvanineCommuter%s's Photo

     Attached Image: Predictions.JPG


    Of course I'll put myself as the winner, but in reality I'll probably run out of time and steam towards R3 and have nothing for the finals :D

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    Round 1 Update:

    ITM: 39 pts
    I:C: 30 pts
    cocoa: 40 pts
    Rec: 35 pts
    Scoop: 41 pts
    666: 36 pts
    Dr Dirt : 32 pts
    Tolsimir: 31 pts
    roy: 32 pts
    gdb: 36 pts
    Xtreme: 38 pts
    cam: 36 pts
    avanine: 46 pts

    Please let me know if I've made any mistakes. 


  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    I did pretty good actually, just got a lot of 1/2 place outcomes the wrong way around. That'll probably wreck me for r2 :p


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