RCT Discussion / I've uploaded my saves to google drive for everybody to dl, here&#

  • shnupz%s's Photo

    Click here for the files

    I've been thinking this over for a while, I have a really serious message/announcement:
    My health has been declining for a while now, and I am somewhat on track to getting in touch with new doctors etc so long term things may change, but that's really long term. I have chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, both of which impair my cognitive function (ADHD too). It's hard to brain. I can't multitask, I get super distracted all the time, I can't focus, I start getting headaches if I try and do anything mentally straining (even RCT).

    I'm struggling with words and numbers and memory and most of the day I'm somewhat of an empty husk where a person should be and despite trying my absolute best I'll just sit there super spaced out & dissociated for hours and hours unless I am pumped full of drugs or having a good day by chance.

    My mental health doesn't help. I have Dissociative Identity Disorder and Derealisation-Depersonalisation Disorder, which uh, gets in the way of getting shit done a lot. That means I have multiple personalities/alters/headmates going on and I'm blacking out (an alter would be around and I just don't remember and feel like I time travelled), losing time (time can stretch or compress a lot like on ketamine), feeling out-of-body and like the world around me isn't real pretty much every day. Doesn't help that this is all linked to PTSD and trauma so sometimes I'll just lose weeks at a time bc something particularly nasty gets triggered.

    New Element really isn't the sort of community we'd mention having DID, I expect plenty of people don't give a shit or would be dicks about this and it really isn't relevant to the conversation 99% of the time. Honestly it's just getting exhausting to explain away my slow building & blackouts with lies and heck knows it would actually be really relevant to bring up if I'm ever on a H2H team for instance, I wouldn't want to cause more drama in a contest by keeping shit hidden.

    If you're wondering by the way, yeah, a lot of this I don't remember building because an alter did it. Maybe you can pick up on the differences but they are fairly minor. We build together sometimes so the styles blend. The LL stuff and v a p o r  r o c k s was mostly all somebody else for instance. I just kinda found it there one day on my PC. Maybe that's interesting, idk.

    Because of this, I've decided to upload my saves folder. It's missing a lot of stuff that's now lost to time, especially multiplayer projects I did with Tycoon Paradise when that was a thing (mostly CC9/RWE/IonZer0) and a bunch of single player projects. In fact, nothing here's finished, and that's in large part down to my health. I really might not finish anything ever, and honestly? I have no idea if I'll be alive to see that happen. DID can make it tough too, I could lose years of my life at a time without any notice and it scares the shit out of me so I want to make sure this stuff is out there. I'm still going to keep building and I still want to finish off the solo from my last screen and White Water Park, among a bunch of stuff, but seriously just don't expect this to come out anytime soon.

    I'm always down to build with other people or  Building in multiplayer and working with people in general makes it easier for me to focus and get stuff done and it's fun regardless >w<. If anything interests you (to collab or to use in ur own projects) just PM me and we can talk about it :3c

  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo
    Thank you for your work, I will certainly see.

    God be with you :) :)
  • Narc%s's Photo

    That's some nice stuff. Imagine my surprise at finding on of my own designs in there.


    I hope your health improve in the long run. Take care.

  • shnupz%s's Photo

    idk if you remember but you'd posted a beemer on /vr/ct and asked for layout advice and I hyperfocused and smashed this out. Thanks btw ^_^

  • Narc%s's Photo

    Yeah, I recalled when I saw the coaster.

  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    It's unfortunate to see great work go unfinished but of course your health always comes first and I hope you eventually get past these problems.


    With that said, there's so much interesting stuff in here. Your style is so similar to shogo's... both seem to be a battle between clean traditional parkmaking and really strange conceptual stuff. All your micro attempts are strong and definitely would've gone far.


    Some of the palettes you've used are disastrous but others look really cool... vaporwave has a strong concept. In terms of composition, Behemoth is amazing.

    All in all... glad you mentioned this to my absent-mind in the discord... there's a lot of brilliant stuff in this.

  • Scoop%s's Photo
    Why lie in the first place? I respect the fact that it’s all because of a mental disorder. There’s no shame in that.
  • Cranedude%s's Photo

    Hell no. 400+ megabytes?! My computer's probs gonna explode if I download this!

    I would, but I don't want to instantly wipe out this computer's storage.

    EDIT: I caved. Now to convert this muthafucker to ZIP.

    EDIT 2: Too large for CloudConvert, please provide this as a ZIP file next time.

  • Mattk48%s's Photo

    Creanedude I can't tell if your actually serious, or this is advanced sarcasm.


    If its sarcasm then lol good troll 10/10 would laugh again.


    If your serious then what PC do you have? Time to move on from the 1990 dinosaur dude. But for the short term just buy a 10gb flash drive they are super cheap.

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    @cranedude just get 7zip it's free and you won't need to convert first.


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