General Chat / Danimation Forii Close!

  • `sfkstyle%s's Photo
    'tis true.
  • BGTKing%s's Photo
  • JiMeMo%s's Photo
    weird. It makes me laugh though... Dan must feel real cool now.
  • FrEaK%s's Photo
    The happiest day in dnet history?

    ..or the saddest?

    // freak
  • Citizen kane%s's Photo
    Care to give us your inside mod scoop freak?
  • FrEaK%s's Photo
    What inside mod scoop?

    I know nothing.

    And, I'm pretty sure the rest of the mods are in the same boat I'm in.

    // freak

    [edit] Exactly, like, 3 seconds after I posted this, Daniello IM's me.

    Daniello417 (4:09:36 PM): we've lost our jobs
    a8freak8a (4:09:44 PM): Yep.
    Daniello417 (4:09:49 PM): u know why?
  • iris%s's Photo
    I can't access Danimation.
    I'm blocked from the entire server, even the homepage :lol:
    Is this permanent, or is Dan just having another shitfit?
  • `sfkstyle%s's Photo
    sfk_: Ahh..
    sfk_: What has happened.
    sfk_: :'(, buddy.
    danim8tion: Im closing it down
    sfk_: alright.
    danim8tion: Sorry, but it will reopen under "new Management"
    sfk_: I see.
    danim8tion: Whats your screenname?
    sfk_: sfk.
    danim8tion: Sweet
    sfk_: yes
    danim8tion: Well Danimation is going back to be my site and have no forums
    sfk_: I see.
    sfk_: So, strictly animation?
    danim8tion: my site meaning my professional work site
    danim8tion: after 6 years
    danim8tion: I will pass off the forums to some trusted friends
    sfk_: I see.
    danim8tion: and they will have the freedom to do whatever
    sfk_: Seems fair, as I have no say.
    danim8tion: well apreantly everyone thinks they have the right to run the site except me
    sfk_: heh
    danim8tion: if I want to add a new forum all hell breaks loose
    sfk_: Yes.
    danim8tion: How dare I do what I want with my own site
    sfk_: most forii appear vulnerable to change.
    danim8tion: This is somthing I have been lanning to do for over a year anyway.... just the straw that broke the camels back
    danim8tion: planning
    sfk_: i see your reasoning.
    sfk_: Just seems quite spontaneous.
  • FrEaK%s's Photo

    I can't access Danimation.
    I'm blocked from the entire server, even the homepage  :lol:
    Is this permanent, or is Dan just having another shitfit?

    vBulletin Message: The forums Are closed. They will not be reopening in the foreseeable future.

    They'll reopen under "new management" as SFK posted.

    // freak
  • vTd%s's Photo
    Probably has something to do with the deserved backlash for starting an "RC airplane/car" forum when he's been ignoring the clamoring for a sports forum by 75% of the posting members because he doesn't like sports... he really does act like a baby whenever he doesn't have preteens giving him rimjobs... it's hilarious.

    Posted Image

    sure, it's his forum, or was his... but what's the point in having something if nobody wants it.
  • Tyler%s's Photo

  • JBruckner%s's Photo
    The world is a better place.

    Now, lets hope to god that people like L A N C E R and RCTWonder don't come here.

    But hey, maybe NewElement will have a spike in traffice.

    Oh well, this is such a great day!
  • bob%s's Photo
    Dan is such an ass. Just because he gets a few complaints he decides to go fucking supernova about the forums. I've just about left several times, but now he's done it for me.
  • Citizen kane%s's Photo
    Oh well don't really care.
  • G-Rocks%s's Photo
    I saw it coming with everyone complaining about the RC forum. Dan kinda "took his ball and went home." It'll reopen.....with new management.
  • Radu%s's Photo
    I'm puting my money on CyberianHuskey to take over. That would explain the Suggestion Box thread.

    That would actually be cool. CH is a lot more "in touch" with the members, and is actually willing to take advice. I just hope it's back up soon.
  • bob%s's Photo

    I'm puting my money on CyberianHuskey to take over.  That would explain the Suggestion Box thread.

    That would actually be cool.  CH is a lot more "in touch" with the members, and is actually willing to take advice.  I just hope it's back up soon.

    Who the bloody hell cares if it ever comes back. At least 75% of his users WON'T come back. It's the stupidest manuever that idiot has ever made. He just finally killed what was becoming a cesspool of fucking morons, but laughable morons, and he did it because he had a shitfit about some stupid complaints. Somebody should take an axe to his servers so he can't come back with a site at all...
  • Adix%s's Photo
    Everyone, stop dissing it. Is NewElement your favorite site? Is it even a site you like? Well, I have news: Without Danimation, NewElement wouldn't exist.

    Sorry to break it to you, but someone had to - now, if you want, make another topic, and play nice.
  • iris%s's Photo
    Well, I re-opened this thread, because I have as much animosity towards Dnet as anyone.
    And, really...there was no reason to close it in the first place. Why have two identical threads? Radu said.
  • vTd%s's Photo

    Everyone, stop dissing it. Is NewElement your favorite site? Is it even a site you like? Well, I have news: Without Danimation, NewElement wouldn't exist.

    Sorry to break it to you, but someone had to - now, if you want, make another topic, and play nice.

    And that has what to do with the fact that Dan is pretty immature for someone in his 30's?

    So he's responsible for having a good site at some time in the past, we should overlook his stubborness and stupidity now?

    One has to wonder how he ever made it in the business world.


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