General Chat / Three Random Facts About Yourself.

  • Jellybones%s's Photo
    INSTRUCTIONS: Post three random facts about yourself. They can be about anything. At all. But only three. No more than three. No less than three. Three shall be the number of the count, and the number of the count shall be three.

    Or put more or less than three, but then you would suck.

    Here are mine:

    01. I can't eat in darkness. I need a light source in the general area.
    02. My right eye has worse vision than my left eye, and is also a bit lazy.
    03. I am a friendly person. Really.
  • Outlaw%s's Photo
    1. My contact prescription is -6.50 in each eye. The legal limit is -5, or something like that. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm legally blind without contacts.

    2. I lead all wide receivers in touchdowns for my neighborhood's Backyard Football League. 24 TD's in 4 games (Its 5 on 5 and we play to 70 each game)

    3. I'm 6'4 and the only person in my junior class that is taller than me is a girl.
  • v1perz%s's Photo
    1. I love the jets football team (i don't know why because they really suck.)

    2. My parents paid $2700 fro me to get into Stuyvesant high school and i didn't even go. (700 for a review course, $2000 for this computer which i got for making stuyvesant.) Whats so good about stuyvesant anyway?

    3. I have a computer for every windows operating system. Laptop for DOS, Gateway desktop for win 95, gateway laptop for win 98, IBM for win 2000, HP desktop for min ME, Alienware laptop for XP, Dell desktop for XP, and Compaq laptop for XP. (my dad has the professional version of everything.)
  • Meretrix%s's Photo
    1. I shave my head every three weeks.

    2. The last film I saw in a theatre was...shit I can't remember.

    3. I hate brussel sprouts.
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo
    1) I hunt
    2) I run over squirrels
    3) I'm wearing socks
  • thorpedo%s's Photo
    ^Again. Dirty hickness. Just die.

    1. I like watching horror movies, but live with the paranoia for about a week to two weeks, depending on how scary it was.

    2. I actually like to read sometimes.

    3. My favorite food is spaghetti. And Kit-Kats.
  • TheTheif%s's Photo
    1) I have 20-10 vision which is the best. Its called piolet vision. Yey

    2) Im 6 foot

    3) I have an odly high motabloism.
  • FrEaK%s's Photo
    1. My eyesight is worse than outlaws (-7.5 in one and -8.5 in the other).
    2. I play Magic: The Gathering
    3. I'm a web standards/mozilla evangelist.

    // freak
  • cg?%s's Photo
    Well, let me see...

    01. I'm an incredibly nice, laid back and open person in real life, although with a bit of a shy streak. I find this to be an interesting fact, as I seem to be quite the opposite on the internet, for better or worse.

    02. I'm completely obsessed with both Mod and Gothic culture, but can't be bothered trying to do much of anything in either, let alone both. Wouldn't that be wierd? Chauncey the Gothic Mod revivalist - sheesh. I'd probably end up wearing a Robert Smith haircut and a The Jam t-shirt, at the same time!

    That would certainly be quite embarissing.

    03. That while I'm a vegetarian, I love leather (the look, the feel, the smell). Also, somewhat interesting, even before I officially became a vegetarian, I really didn't care too much for meat, the main exceptions being chicken and any form of sausage (particularly of the German, Polish and Chicago-styled hotdog variety), neither of which I ate very often anyways (and still occasionaly indulge in :X).

    ...there are more, I'm very wierd, so I could dig up a lot of wierd stuff, but, um, uh, yeah. Only three are allowed, and these were the first three I thought of first (although they're probably not the best).
  • x-sector%s's Photo
    1. I love double deckers yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    2. to get my self to sleep I have to have the tv on and the volume right down
    3. I have to announce when I'm going to the toilet to whoever is around me. :)
  • Adix%s's Photo
    I've taught myself every web programming language I use... HTML, Perl, PHP, and JavaScript... but taking a class in VisualBasic helped with JS.

    I can never decide how long my hair should be... but it's fallen into a cycle of really short during spring/summer, long during fall/winter.

    I have an IQ of 120ish and got a 28 (2nd Highest in my class) the first (and so far only) time I've taken the ACT... yet my GPA is like 2.4 because I don't try.

    Yes, it's four, but everyone else is mentioning it, and it's interesting.... I have decent vision, but I need glasses to see clearly... and I'm also left eyed and right handed.... it makes shooting a gun the suck, which is why I'd make a bad hick, like Metal is.
  • Micool%s's Photo
    -Like Meretrix, I shave my head about once a month or less. The longest it's been in years can be seen in the "Post a Picture of Yourself" thread.

    -About my eyesight: I just developed a slight fuzziness in my left eye. I can't read the last line of those things anymore with it. :( On the flip side, if I had two right eyes, I would have 20/10 vision. It's my perfect eye. I shall call it my squishy.

    -My computer and VCR are my only sources of electronic entertainment in my house. I have a 64 but it doesn't work. I have no dvd player, no game console, and no television stations. Pathetic.

    Luckily I live in San Diego where there's plenty of stuff to soon as I get me a car... :'(
  • Critic%s's Photo
    -My hair grows at an incredibly slow rate, going from an inch to four in six months.

    -People tend to call me very independent.

    -I've been to every state west of Kansas.
  • Ablaze%s's Photo
    1) I like to sit in darkness rather than light
    2) I give my cat an unbelievable amount of respect and care.
    3) I like to pretend there’s a live crowd on one of my walls, and headbang as hard as possible.
  • Rage%s's Photo
    1) I can play bass, drums and a bit of keyboard.
    2) I hate to conform.
    3) I cant stand silence. I need to have background music where-ever I go.
  • JiMeMo%s's Photo
    - I cant sit in the same position for more than 30 seconds.

    - I am 5'11" and only 115 lbs.

    - I've been playing RCT since the day it come out, and I still havent released 1 full park.

  • Pym Guy%s's Photo
    1) I'm quite a nice person, really.
    2) I like playing RCT, just not building in RCT.
    3) Squishy.
  • Jellybones%s's Photo

    - I cant sit in the same position for more than 30 seconds.

    - I am 5'11" and only 115 lbs.

    - I've been playing RCT since the day it come out, and I still havent released 1 full park.


    You're strangely a lot like terms of your three random facts.
  • Adix%s's Photo

    - I am 5'11" and only 115 lbs.

    You're taller than me? I never noticed... we gotta get together again sometime, man ;)
  • Cap'n Quack%s's Photo

    ^Again. Dirty hickness. Just die.

    what the fuck is your god damn problem?? I'm tired of your prancy ass shit running around goin "your a hick! your a hick! your a hick!" no fucking shit I'm a hick! The only dirty thing about that post was running over squirrels because thats kinda evil. Now shut the fuck up!


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