RCT Discussion / Hacked Breakdowns

  • gymkid dude%s's Photo
    Hi. As you know with 8 cars, if you hack the track type, or ride type, the ride's reliability becomes 0 and breaks down every 7 seconds.

    I have stumbled upon a utility, RCTreliABLE, that counteracts this.

    However, to use it, you must open RCT, alt tab, run the utility, then use 8 cars to restore reliability to 100. You must do this everytime you open RCT2, and sometimes, if I load a new game, I have to do it again. Sometimes, it will go back to 0 if I modify the hacked ride.

    And if I want to send someone my ride, I have to tell them to isntall the frickin utility and give them a 10 step guide just to view my goddam ride.

    Can someone PLEASE come up with a better utility that "fixes" and entire park for anyone who views it?

    Or even better, how about a patch?
  • sfgadv02%s's Photo
    Yea, something like RCT1 would be better. Without the rides breaking every two seconds. Thats the advantages RCT1 had over RCT2.

    RCT : 1
    RCT2 : 0
  • Kumba%s's Photo

    Hi.  As you know with 8 cars, if you hack the track type, or ride type, the ride's reliability becomes 0 and breaks down every 7 seconds.

    Works fine for me. I use 8cars (1.21) for that and my car added rides breakdown like any other reguler ride. (like in X-Gon' Give it to Ya, wait does that run well for you?) Try useing version 1.21 i guess?
  • Junya Boy%s's Photo

    I have stumbled upon a utility, RCTreliABLE, that counteracts this.

    When you got this "patch" before operatig the game you should have run it, a little DOS window shows up and goes away. Back in the RCT2 folder, there should be a new rct2.exe file and a backfile old_rct2.exe that was created. It should now take care of the breakdowns every time you play and alter a ride. I dont know why you have to run it every time. I only opened it once and its been fine since then.
  • Janus%s's Photo
    I think RCTreliABLE is available both as a patch and as a trainer.
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo
    well, perhaps iris can make a post telling everyone to download and install it, so that when someone releases a park iwth a hacked ride, it works for more tan 5% of the people that download it...
  • Toon%s's Photo
    Having installed the patch, I have experienced no problems with RCT2 or hacked rides. I would strongly recommend anyone downloading any parks with hacked rides find this program and install it NOW! It opens up so many possibilities and allows for a pleasant viewing experience.
  • v1perz%s's Photo
    My hacked rides work fine, and i never installed a patch...

    I don't get it, maybe it has to do with the version of RCT2 like the UK, US, etc. versions.

    Ah well, it works fine now, no need to screw it up by downloading something else.
  • v1perz%s's Photo
    Does anyone know where to get this patch?

    im starting to have problems now.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    You can get it from the "8 Cars per Trainer" page.
  • v1perz%s's Photo
    Thatx soo much Coaster Ed. I was about to reinstall RCT2 cuz of this shit but thnx to you i dont have to. That was the one place i would have never thought to look...


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