(Archive) Advertising District / Applewood

  • Westside7th%s's Photo
    Applewood is my first RCT2 solo park. The park was delayed for many months and is finally complete after 9 months since I started the project.
    The Story: Applewood was once a thriving amusement park in the early 1900s but slowly fell into disrepair. Now, Westside7th and company have rebuilt the park and added new rides and attractions as well as fixing the old. However, there is one challenge about all of this: Applewood is only allowed to build wooden coasters. So, this park has all kinds of nostalgic and modern rides but all the coasters are built of wood.
    When I built Applewood, I was going for a realistic look rather than the fantasy-like architecture you see in most RCT2 parks. The architecture is rather blocky because most real parks don’t have fancy curving buildings with towers and balconies. The buildings are plains in design but they are just the look I was going for.
    Applewood is 100% peep friendly and can handle well over 3,000 guests.

    NOTE: Applewood is meant to be viewed with land smoothing turned OFF. To turn land smoothing off, open up Applewood in RCT2 and go to the options menu while viewing the park. Go to the Display category and uncheck the box that says Land Smoothing.

    Major Attractions:

    Applewood Cyclone (Wooden Coaster)
    Extreme Scream (S&S Tower)
    Geronimo (Roto Drop)
    Leap The Dips (Scenic Railway)
    Mine Madness (Mine Train Rocket Coaster)
    Mine Shaft (Water Slide)
    Mirage (River Rapids)
    Shoot The Rapids (Wooden Water Coaster)
    Splash! (Splash Boat)
    The Phantom (Wooden Coaster)
    Timber Tantrum (Virginia Reel)
    Wild Side (Wooden Racing Coaster)

    The 2 most popular rides that the peeps seem to love are the racing wooden coasters, Wild Side and the monster wooden coaster/terrain coaster, The Phantom.
    Applewood is loosely divided into several sections:

    Main Midway
    Apple Orchards/Boardwalk
    Foot Hills
    Frontier Land

    Please enjoy your day at Applewood and if you are tired after a long day of fun, feel free to spend the night at the Applewood Hotel located at the end of the Main Midway.

    For pictures of Applewood, Click Here!

    Here is the download:
    Download Applewood Now!
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo
    Hello Westside7th. I have not downloaded your park yet, but after viewing those screens, I'd say it looks pretty good. I really like your terrain and landscape.. which a lot of people neglect to spend a lot of time on. I like your tunnel of love building.. the architecture is very consistent. If you browse these forums a bit, I'm sure you'll be able to work on your skills.

    Your mine train would look more realistic with supports, theme your rapids ride, the buildings around your log flume are a little blocky and undetailed(although the nice landscaping distracts it a little bit)..

    Good work though.. I really like your use of flowers and the parking lot looks cool too.
  • Westside7th%s's Photo

    Hello Westside7th.  I have not downloaded your park yet, but after viewing those screens, I'd say it looks pretty good.  I really like your terrain and landscape.. which a lot of people neglect to spend a lot of time on.  I like your tunnel of love building.. the architecture is very consistent.  If you browse these forums a bit, I'm sure you'll be able to work on your skills.

    Your mine train would look more realistic with supports, theme your rapids ride, the buildings around your log flume are a little blocky and undetailed(although the nice landscaping distracts it a little bit)..

    Good work though.. I really like your use of flowers and the parking lot looks cool too.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I probably won't chnage anything you mentioned just because I have worked on this park for too long and I am glad it is all finished. I am sure there are numerous things I could have done to fix it up more but it has been 9 months since I started and I just wanted to get it finished.
    I was going to theme the rapids ride but I didn't put any of the scenery items in teh park that I wanted. I wasn't planning on making a desert themed ride when I was in the Scenario Editor.
    The buildings by the log flume are probably the most blocky in the whole park. That area is one which I wasn't too keen on.
    I hope you enjoy the rest of the park when you download it!
  • Tech Artist%s's Photo
    I really liked that park and am glad it is finished. The park really had such a classic feel to it and it seemd like a place where family's could come and spend the day at a tradtional theme park. I also like the fact that there were no steel coasters cause it would have taken some classicness the park had.

    Make some of your buildings a little less blocky and a little more detailed.

    Nice job! :D
  • Westside7th%s's Photo
    Thanks rctfan1556! The blocky buildings is probably the only thing I really dislike about the park. I don't have the patience to build ornate, creative buildings so. However, the blockyness IMO helps make the park more realistic since most parks in the real world have blocky buildings. I am glad you enjoyed the park. It turned out a lot better than I thought it would!
  • Drew%s's Photo
    I actually liked this park more than I thought I would have. I was surprised on how nicely done some of the rides were done. I like the traditional feel and you pulled it off well.

    It seemed a but cluttered and messy in some parts, but it was still nice to look at. Good job.
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    It pretty decent. The launched mine train was too unrealistic and some of the other stuff didn't "click" with me. On the other hand I really enjoyed some of it. There were a couple decent building but too many of them are just blocks. The atmosphere was good but nothing too amazing. Your building in the "Coasterbuzz style" right now. We're happy to have you here at New Element while your parkmaking skills grow. Here you'll get better fast and this isn't too bad of a start.

  • Panoramical%s's Photo
    It gives out a nice nostalgic vintage sense of what retro rct was like. I like it.
    But i'd say on your next park you should cover more ride entrances, put more custom supports or make it more complex. But that's my taste really, complexity, which you'd realise if you saw my latest shots of my current park... which will be posted soon!
  • sloB%s's Photo
    Those wooden duelers were amazing,
    but I still think ride6 is the best ever in that category.

    Keep trying and maybe you will get to his level.
  • Jacko Shanty%s's Photo

    Your building in the "Coasterbuzz style" right now.

    :lol: That's actually really funny. They think they are so good over there.
  • Richie%s's Photo
    Have you seen some of the coasters they vote 10/10 for :lol:


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