Ask the Experts / Making Parks in General

  • Koaster Kid%s's Photo
    I've been wondering how all the pro's make parks. Do you build the rides first then the scenery or vise versa or in what order. Also I just don't have the perseverance to make a really good park. I especially like Pryo Penguin and Natelox's parks.

    Please give me some tips? :|
  • natelox%s's Photo
    thank you :)

    what i do is i spend a whole lot of time thinking of the park, what it will feature, what themed sections it will have, then i start with the entrance and work my way around the themed areas. i build rides first, then theme them, i could not imagine it doing it another way.
  • PyroPenguin%s's Photo
    Glad you like my stuff. For me I start by planning out the general feel of the park and getting ideas for themes. After that I will right up a brief background story to explain the theme (I have been releasing these along with pics of each area). This helps me in the next phase which would be writting out a detailed description of what I want each attraction to be.. gives it a more flowing a fitting feel. Once thats planned out I just start building, first with the enterance and then theme by theme. Logicaly, rides come first and are then themed. As Nate said, the other way around would be very difficult.
  • Xcite%s's Photo
    I actually met a person that builds does there themeing before they build there coasters. What they must do is have a mental image of what it will look like and the coasters and themeing's layout in there mind before they build it.

    If it works it would be pretty good as i know once you have built a coaster it can be very hard to see where your themeing.

    I would also suggesst making the ride firest because opf the above reason...


    Xcite :)


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