(Archive) Advertising District / Katonga Valley

  • OhioCoasteRFreaK36%s's Photo
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    My new park using the PT map...therefore it is only 85x85, its my best work to date, The theme is a overgrown/jungle theme.
    On to the screens!
    First off is the Wooden coaster Carnage Coaster.
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    The station (go karts also seen) my best work to date is that station :yup:
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    Well it is very obvious what it is...it kind of says :lol:

    Here is a screen of the jeeps and a screen of the water coaster that is basically a slpash boats themed to a hunt for an anaconda (inspiration from that corny new movie)
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    The first encounter with the anaconda (the rest are underground, i know im lazy) (if you are stupid or i suck that bad the anaconda is the dinghy slide)

    Enjoy and please comment!

    OCF B)
  • the_legacy%s's Photo
    looks ok, just get rid of those green paths, replace them with brown or stone or something.

    You are maybe going a bit over the top with the treeing aswell.
  • JKay%s's Photo
    Definitely the best work I've seen from you OCF. I think the first screen is over-foliated. Showing some of the raw landscape would help. The coaster station is cool, but again I think all the foliage on the roofs and such a bit much. I'd keep some of the foliage on the station, but lose most of it. The other screens are quite nice, The anaconda has a good idea behind it, but I will always think 'dinghy slide' and not 'anaconda' when i see it.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Looks really good, and keep the green paths, I heard that BS about them for my PT too, untill it was released, its kinda an ingame thing.
  • X250%s's Photo
    Everything about this park looks good at the moment, I love your choice of vegetation in there but i feel it needs a few more taller trees. I like that go-karts ride a lot, it is well hacked and i like the traffic light thingy you have there. Just keep it up as it is looking fantastic!

  • DanTodd%s's Photo
    i used to like this park, but then you kicked me out of synthesis, and now i think it sucks, i like how u hacked the go kart track tho
  • norancidfx241%s's Photo
    ^^^ wow thats a reason to hate a park, faggot, dont know why we ever let you in Dantodd or should i say cshl420 and Rct3Man

    OCF this is amazing

  • CoasterForce%s's Photo
    I like it a lot, I think the foliage looks good on the surroundings and it should stay that way but remove some of it on the station. The anaconda idea is clever but I'm just not feeling the Anaconda with that Dingy Slide. I can't think of what to substitute it with though...
  • Kraken%s's Photo
    Yeah, the adaptive theming with the Anadonda isn't working.

    I suggest you create some sort of head, so it looks more like a snake. You might also want to try giving it a color pattern.
  • OhioCoasteRFreaK36%s's Photo
    Thanks for the comments, What should i do with the Anaconda? im not adding a head its just like it is diving back down to the bottom and its back hit the top..
  • tijlovic%s's Photo
    Maybe use more different green colors for it.
  • Silenced%s's Photo
    If you wanted, I could go LL style and make a coaster anaconda.
  • Kraken%s's Photo

    Thanks for the comments, What should i do with the Anaconda? im not adding a head its just like it is diving back down to the bottom and its back hit the top..

    You might also want to try giving it a color pattern.
  • GuestUndisputed%s's Photo
    since OCF came to NE he became much betta...

    good job. :devil:
  • ChillerHockey33%s's Photo
    Maybe for the anaconda, instead of having one big hump, have like more than one? Like have two or three small humps...that might look a lil better.
  • OhioCoasteRFreaK36%s's Photo
    Water Ride Station.
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  • tijlovic%s's Photo
    Maybe remove those vines. I don't like themat that place. The rest looks nice
  • SirSpinster%s's Photo
    I like your style. You use the 1/4 blocks a little more solid than other parkmakers...if that makes sense...I also like the colors. They're different from building to building but they don't strafe too far from each other and conform to the same theme. Can't wait for more screenies.
  • OhioCoasteRFreaK36%s's Photo
    Here is the Mountain for the Water Ride.

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    I will also have a layout for a new flyer called Magna Rock: Inferno which is volcano themed up later today.
  • X250%s's Photo
    Good, nice placement of foilage. All that needs doing is perhaps some supports/arches on that path over the lake towards the right.



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